10 Times My Favorite Murder Was Super Feminist And We Loved It

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Photo Credit: Georgia Hardstark / Instagram

Not Victim-Blaming

Staying sexy and not getting murdered is another reminder of how much women are often blamed with their own sexual assaults or even murders. Does it matter what you were wearing at the time of the kidnapping? Was the victim “asking for it”? The answer is always no. Karen and Georgia do a great job towing the line between the responsibility of us as human beings to be smart, look out for ourselves, and be prepared while still maintaining the idea that it is never the victim’s fault. Do we as humans sometimes make terrible decisions? Of course. But just because a woman drinks too much or wears a freaking skirt doesn’t mean it’s okay to assault her.

We like to think that victim blaming is in the past when it comes to law enforcement and the justice system, but it’s unfortunately not. Whether it’s police asking what a woman was wearing when she was raped or blaming too much alcohol, it’s never okay. On My Favorite Murder, being respectful of the victims is of utmost importance, which includes absolving them of any fault in their own assaults or murders. Should a woman be able to safely walk down the street at 3 am without being attacked? The answer is yes and it’s not her fault if living her life gets her murdered. That’s the fault solely of the murderer.