10 Times My Favorite Murder Was Super Feminist And We Loved It

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Photo Credit: MyFavoriteMurder.com

Institutional Failures

2016 was the year of the law getting it wrong. From Brock Turner’s light sentencing to a judge straight up blaming a victim–institutional sexism and racism have been even more obvious this year. The truth is, marginalized groups have been failed by our institutions forever. Women, minorities, and those who the world just seems to care less about often get shafted by everyone from police to the media. My Favorite Murder makes a point to bring up these injustices. From ranting about Brock Turner to making it a point to bring up cases where young black girls went missing just like young white girls but there just wasn’t as much effort to bring them home, Karen and Georgia don’t let it slide.

The more you hear cases and notice patterns, the more these obvious discrepancies stand out. They talk about cases of gay men being quietly murdered all over New York City and undocumented immigrants going missing in small towns where no one can report them missing to police. These people didn’t receive media attention like others and they certainly didn’t receive the same justice as others. So thank you My Favorite Murder for bringing attention to the victims that our institutions repeatedly fail.