10 Times My Favorite Murder Was Super Feminist And We Loved It

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Photo Credit: My Favorite Murder / Instagram


The very premise of My Favorite Murder is to discuss, you know…murders. But occasionally there’s an attempted murder in which the victim ultimately escapes alive. And some of these stories are pretty powerful. Like the story of Mary Vincent who had both arms chopped off and was thrown over the freeway railing into a pipe naked. She survived a harrowing experience. And while stories like Mary’s are terrifying, they’re also pretty empowering. If Mary can survive something none of us will likely ever have to live through, can’t we as women survive so much?

Another story of survival is that of Sarah Brady, who was pregnant when she fought off her female attacker. The woman pulled a knife out, attempting to stab Sarah and at 9 months pregnant, Sarah fought back and was able to escape the scary and life-threatening situation. How amazing is that? As far as inspirational survivor stories go, there are plenty, which really helps keeps the majority of cases discussed on My Favorite Murder in perspective. Yes, women are often the victims of terrible crimes. But, we’re also strong and resourceful. We can overcome the terrible things that happen to us. Thank you, My Favorite Murder for that reminder!