17 Little Known Shows To Stream When You’ve Run Out Of Ideas

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Photo: Ovation

Check out these little known shows to stream for when you’ve already watched everything in your queue and need something new to binge.

You can only watch so many episodes of The Walking Dead and Game of Thrones before you get tired of the same old shows everybody is watching and talking to death. I don’t dispute the quality of these shows at all, but there a whole, great big ol’ TV world out there Here’s a few little known shows to stream when you’ve already watched every thing in your queue, everything that’s been recommended to you, and everything on all the “Best Of” lists.

With a few exceptions, most of these shows are on Netflix, so you don’t have to search for these obscure series when you sit down to binge them (I’ve even provided a link to the harder to reach ones). These are some of the best of the best on TV, even though they’ve been overlooked or forgotten about in the short attention spans of television viewers. I’ve tried to offer a variety – everything from silly conversation starters (Vanilla Ice Goes Amish) to titles that will give you a little bit of academic cred at the water cooler (A Young Doctor’s Notebook) on Monday.

Here’s 17 shows to watch when you’re at a loss for something good to binge, and you’ve already exhausted all of the obvious options.