20 Democrats Who Could Run for President in 2020

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Julián Castro,16th Secretary of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, was in attendance at First Lady Michelle Obama’s Veterans Homelessness Summit on November 14, 2016 in Washington, DC. (Photo by Cheriss May/NurPhoto via Getty Images)

17. Julian Castro

Julian Castro has been a rising star in the Democratic party for the past few years. At one point, he was considered as a possible running mate for Hillary Clinton. Before he was selected by President Obama to be Secretary of Housing and Urban Development in 2014, Castro served as Mayor of San Antonio. Now that Ben Carson will be taking over the HUD position under Trump, Castro will have some decisions to make about his political future. Could a run for POTUS be in the cards for Castro? Maybe.

Castro got his start in politics working as a White House intern in 1994, inspired by his activist mother, Rosie Castro. (His twin brother, Joaquin, is also working in politics. He currently represents Texas’ 20th district in the House of Representatives.) When he was selected for HUD Secretary, he became the youngest person in Obama’s candidate. As a staunch supporter of LGBT rights, he fought to have Texas’ ban on same-sex marriage lifted during his mayoral term. Castro has been a voice for the Latino community and often shared his thoughts about the Latino vote during the 2016 race.

After expressing his disappointment at not being chosen for Clinton’s running mate, Castro said “In the years to come there will be a Latino or Latina president. I believe that’s going to happen in due time. I hope to be alive to see it and I’m very confident that my kids will.” Castro is in a good position to make that happen.