20 Democrats Who Could Run for President in 2020

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US First Lady Michelle Obama speaks following a screening of the movie, ‘Hidden Figures,’ in the Eisenhower Executive Office Building adjacent to the White House in Washington, DC on December 15, 2016. / AFP / SAUL LOEB (Photo credit should read SAUL LOEB/AFP/Getty Images)

1. Michelle Obama

Within hours of the announcement that Hillary Clinton did not win the 2016 presidential election, Democratic voters were begging for another Obama campaign. No, it wasn’t a plea for Barack Obama to make a comeback, but rather for First Lady Michelle Obama to carry on the legacy. It didn’t take long before a #Michelle2020 hashtag started trending on Twitter. Part of this collective encouragement seems to stem from a desire to keep the Obama family in the White House for eight more years. It’s pretty obvious that they will be deeply missed.

The suggestion that Michelle Obama run for President in 2020 actually started when she took on an active role in campaigning for Hillary Clinton. Her speeches at Clinton campaign events were so touching and inspiring that it left viewers doe-eyed with visions of her transition from FLOTUS to POTUS. After all, if Hillary Clinton, a former First Lady, could do it, why not Michelle Obama?

Because she doesn’t want to. Michelle Obama has already started making plans for her post-FLOTUS career, and they don’t include moving back into the White House. If she should happen to change her mind, she would be met with overwhelming levels of support from voters, particularly from women and from Black voters. In fact, the intersection between those two — Black women voters —would give Michelle Obama a serious advantage.

Even though she has never been a member of Congress or even a mayor or governor, Michelle Obama wouldn’t need that kind of “official” political background to win elections. She’s expressed her stance on numerous issues and has taken an active role in her husband’s political career, standing next to him rather than behind him. Unfortunately, her husband has confirmed that she will definitely not be running for President. At one point, he stated that “Let me tell you, there are three things that are certain in life: death, taxes and Michelle is not running for president. That, I can tell you.” It almost feels like telling a kid that there’s no Santa Claus. And yet, there’s always that little voice in our heads that says “But what if…”

Next: 50 Times Hillary Clinton Inspired Us

Although 2020 may be far away, it’s not a bad idea to start planning now. Which candidate would you like to see run in 2020 on the Democratic side of things?