UNITED STATES: First Lady Hillary Clinton sips from a teacup during her presentation to Congress on health care reform in September 1993. (Photo CQ Roll Call File Photo)
29. Hill on Being Fearless
"We need to be as fearless as the women whose stories you have applauded, as committed as the dissidents and the activists you have heard from, as audacious as those who start movements for peace when all seems lost."
We as a country can be lost in our fear of something. That much was seen on November 8th when Donald Trump won the electoral college vote. We’re afraid of change and what it could mean but Hillary’s quote on being fearless is one we all need to live by.
We have to look to those who are fearless around us, those who start rebellions from despair and those who stand up for their beliefs. If we look at them and model ourselves after their fearless acts, we will all be better off.
How do we know? We can look at Hillary and see a success story of that same principal. She was told time and time again that she couldn’t do it because she was a woman and Hillary continued to brush them off and fight back. She wanted to be in politics and she wanted to do it on her own terms. So she did. She didn’t let anyone stop her and we all need a bit of that determination in our lives.