50 Times Hillary Clinton was Inspiring to Everyone

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Bill And Hillary Clinton Leaving For Their Holidays In The Hamptons. Washington, juillet 1998. Bill et Hillary CLINTON partent en vacances dans les HAMPTONS. Hillary Clinton, portant des lunettes de soleil marche derrière Bill Clinton qui sourit en regardant l’objectif. . (Photo by Jean-Louis Atlan/Paris Match via Getty Images)

50. Her Elegance in the 90s

Hillary’s time as first lady was riddled with drama. Most anyone can say about the Clinton administration is that Bill had an affair with an intern. While that was a huge scandal, it was even more inspiring to see how Hillary handled being the First Lady.

A Yale graduate, Hillary has proven time and time again that she is no dummy and that showed during her time in the White House. But before even getting to the White House, Hillary showed her prowess by attending strategy meetings for Bill’s campaign. She knew she would make it to the White House as First Lady some day and she was going to make sure that Bill got there.

Want to know how we know about Hillary’s blind faith in Bill? The New York Times wrote an article earlier this year talking about how Hillary told her boss back when Bill was just her boyfriend that he’d be president one day.

And she was right. And she was by his side every step of the way. In the 90s, Hillary inspired us all by being one of the most intelligent First Ladies we ever had. She stood her own ground and taught us all how to be better.