Top 20 Most Memorable Face Off Looks of All Time

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Image via SyFy

Season 3: Roy & Rod’s Star Wars Bar Patron

Season 3 started off with a bang and the biggest guest star the show had landed so far, heralding a new era for the show. The guest? Matthew Wood, the voice of General Grievous in the Star Wars prequel trilogy and a Skywalker Sound employee. The challenge? Create a new Star Wars Cantina patron and have he or she look like they would fit in the famous scene from A New Hope. (Remember this season aired prior to Disney purchasing Lucasfilm outright, which would effectively make it far more expensive for rival NBC Universal to get the license to do such a challenge.)

This was also our introduction to two memorable contestants from that season: Roy and Rod. Roy was known for going big in his designs long before Eric Fox made it his calling card a few seasons later. Rod eventually became known for…well, that face you see right there. (Every last design wound up having it going forward.) But on this first week, that particular pairing of really large designs and freaky old man baby face was particularly effective with this robotic exoskeleton piece that had a tiny alien driver.