15 reasons the Star Wars Holiday Special is actually terrible

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8. That Weird Game Show Thing That Lumpy Watches

Obviously, this is supposed to be some strange game that Lumpy plays. And is it supposed to be like the game they play on the Millennium Falcon? Was it supposed to be reminiscent of Dejarik? Because, if so, maybe they should make it into an actual game rather than a show that Lumpy has to try and control.

He literally hits four buttons. What kind of game is that? If I was a kid and they gave me a game that was, in fact, a show that I had to make run, I’d be mad. But instead, Lumpy is super into this weird gymnastics show.

I feel like the point of the special was to teach kids to just be happy with whatever they get on the holidays. It is a great message, but if that was their purpose then maybe they should have done it better? I just don’t understand and I’m not the only one. Everyone is confused by this stupid special and this scene is another weird try at making it a variety show.

Honestly, though, it was a variety show that no one cares about. Weird Cirque du Soleil crap doesn’t have anything to do with Star Wars.