Image courtesy of Disney
7. Heavily Make-Uped Luke Skywalker
Okay, so here is the thing with Mark Hamill: Between Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope and Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back, he got into a terrible accident. He has scars still from it and they had to use a lot of make-up to make Mark look like he did in the first Star Wars.
So, the question is, was this filmed after his accident? If it was, then the make-up makes a lot more sense. It’d be their way of trying to make sure you couldn’t tell Mark got hurt and because their budget was so low, the ton of make-up would be justified.
And that is exactly what happened. (Trust me, I looked it up because I had to know why Mark Hamill needed eyeliner.)
But that still doesn’t explain why they decided to make him look a little emo. Was the black eyeliner really necessary? I know production value was low but come on. The overabundance of make-up is just lazy. And it made Luke look like he was in a high school production of Cabaret.
But at least we know why he had so much make-up on. It wasn’t just because they didn’t know how to do proper make-up for film. They just didn’t know how to properly hide his scars.