Photo: ABC
Dre Johnson – Black-ish
Dre Johnson comes from a very different parenting school than the other dads on the list, but I’ll admit: I like his style. Dre and his wife, Rainbow, are outnumbered at their house by the children, so their methods have to be a little more strategic than most of the other fathers on this list.
Dre is a wealthy, African American father, raising kids in an affluent West Coat neighborhood. He struggles to reconcile his roots with his current situation, and really wants to instill those older values into his (sometimes) superficial children. With the help of his very conservative and traditional parents, Dre is being pulled in several directions.
Although Rainbow does most of the heavy lifting in the parenting department, Dre is one of the most clever dads out there. His use of trickery is solid, and it makes his parenting game all the stronger for it. He uses psychology to get his kids in line, and he’s not above scare tactics, mind games, and subterfuge to control his children’s actions.
This, my readers, is my kind of father. He’s more brain than brawn, and for this generation of kids, he’s doing it just right. I admire a dad that will sacrifice his children’s temporary emotional state to serve the greater good.