The 15 Best Movies of 2016

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Image courtesy of 20th Century Fox

7. Hidden Figures

The numbers of women behind the camera might are still disappointing, but there’s been an abundance of fantastic films about women out this year— several have already graced this list. None of them, though, is timelier and more inspiring than Hidden Figures. The story of three NASA “computers” during the early-1960’s combines the past with the stark present.

Hollywood loves sending actors into space more than our current country, so an air of melancholy pervades watching Hidden Figures as Americans are gripped by the wonder and fear of space travel. Allison Schroeder’s screenplay combines the awe of space with the sad realities of 1960’s race and sexism, which remains something we’re dealing with today. This is a true woman’s film, with Taraji P. Henson, Janelle Monae and Octavia Spencer being three uncompromising women who believe in their causes. Remember how I said certain films praised intelligence? Hidden Figures shows us the cream of the crop – the smartest women in the world in a time where the smartest women still don’t get their due. Hidden Figures inspires – not just in its portrayal of our own accomplishments of the past, but where we can go in the future if we set our mind to it.

Next: La La Land