Chancellor Valorum (Credit: Star Wars Databank)
Chancellor Finis Valorum
Okay, I’m going to present a hypothetical scenario here and put it into “American,” so we can all understand it a little clearer.
Now, imagine this situation:
You’re the President of the United States and surrounded by political unrest. You’re the leader of the free world and it is your duty to find solutions to really big problems like, I don’t know, taxes. Nothing aggressive, just normal state taxation. Now, Florida, as it dangles off the bottom of the United States, is being bullied by Georgia and Alabama. They shut down all highways going in and out of the Sunshine State. As president, it’s your job to find a solution.
Obviously, this exercise isn’t to motivate you to find a solution. It’s to help you recognize that the worst decision is no decision.
Chancellor Valorum, while somewhat respected before the Naboo Crisis, suffered from indecision and it allowed the galaxy to spin into chaos. He behaved as a stereotypical politician and his inability to be more firm in the senate and advocate for Naboo’s liberation led to his dismissal as chancellor.
I almost want to say good riddance, but he was also succeeded by Satan, so … it can always be worse.