25 reasons we’re naming Sansa Stark the Queen in the North

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7. She’s not afraid to put people in their place

It’s taken a while, but the once-thin shell surrounding Sansa has all but faded away. Now, she’s not afraid to let the blunt truth fly when she needs it to.

This scene from Season 6’s “The Gift” sums up this skill quite well. This was the first time she saw Littlefinger since being married off to Lord Bolton. He attempts to use his circular speaking skills to deflect responsibility, but Sansa isn’t having any of it. Instead, she forces him to answer her question about what Ramsay did to her daily. It was actually the first time we saw a shred of humanity seep out of Littlefinger’s pores. He wronged Sansa to the highest degree possible by marrying her off to a monster, and she wasn’t about to let him forget that. “I can still feel what he did in my body standing here right now,” she tells him, complete with an icy stare. Although Baelish is still a slippery eel in disguise, it was nice to see him get read the riot act.

Sansa is on a never-ending mission to shed the ‘silly little girl’ image she picked up in King’s Landing. The more she lays out her true feelings towards those who have wronged her, the more a true protector of the North will emerge.