25 reasons we’re naming Sansa Stark the Queen in the North

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5. She’s gorgeous

It’s only slightly superficial, but there’s nothing wrong with having an attractive leader at the helm of the North. It doesn’t hurt that Sansa is played by the strikingly beautiful Sophie Turner, either. Sansa is a very physically attractive woman. She can pull off virtually any style, whether that be the regality of the South, the bundled-up look in the North, or a dramatic darker change as revealed in this scene (“The Mountain and the Viper”). Sansa’s looks do help carry her through times of great stress, as many in King’s Landing believe ‘beautiful’ automatically means ‘good.’

Unfortunately for Sansa, her looks make her susceptible to unwanted and unsolicited attacks, another byproduct of being a woman in the sometimes-patriarchal Westerosi society. She’s frequently victimized and cornered, like during the Riot at King’s Landing. Her husband Ramsay Bolton not only brutalizes her nightly, he thinks she’s supposed to be nothing more than a pretty face and an obedient wife. He completely underestimated her power, leaving her full ruling potential untapped. Littlefinger seems to be the only one who recognizes these qualities in her, which allows him to have a tighter grasp on her and wield power over her for a time.

Her looks are talked about by everyone except her, it seems, which signals she has far better things to worry about. But we just thought we’d mention it.