25 reasons we’re naming Sansa Stark the Queen in the North

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4. She has a way with words

Sansa’s no dummy, she only pretends like she is. It’s a very handy skill to use while trying to survive day to day life as a Lannister hostage. Try as they might, the lions never quite dig their claws into this stoic young woman. In this scene from Season 2’s “Blackwater,” King Joffrey is about to join the ranks before the Battle of the Blackwater. With just a few simple questions, Sansa rattles the Boy King enough to where he has to resort to the usual threat before walking away. Some may argue she was trying to manipulate him enough to put himself in real danger on the battlefield, and it may have worked if Joffrey wasn’t such a humongous coward.

Unlike many in King’s Landing, Sansa uses her words not for evil, but to keep up a facade. She doesn’t try to manipulate people into doing things for her. Instead, she uses her cunning tongue to keep herself alive. These skills are sharpened through her time as Tyrion’s wife, and the constant over-the-shoulder guidance from Lord Baelish.

Anyone who talks to her will see the Sansa she wants them to see, whether that’s a “stupid girl” who knows nothing about King Joffrey’s battles, or a brave woman unafraid to promise death upon her husband Lord Bolton.