25 reasons we’re naming Sansa Stark the Queen in the North

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2. She’s a fighter

Though Sansa needed rescuing sometimes (don’t we all?) she has shown to have a tremendous will to fight for her life. The scene chosen here demonstrates the first instance of Sansa showing how far she’ll go to fight back. Though these wannabe rapists overpower her during the Riot of King’s Landing (“The Old Gods and the New”), she does get the chance to smack one of them clean across the face. A spark like that doesn’t just disappear.

Her fighting prowess extends to the verbal sparring realm as the series goes on, but she proves time and time again that the ‘kill or be killed’ mentality still lies within her. She has to fight for her life every single day after she’s forced to marry Lord Ramsay Bolton, and does it with the trademark Stark bravery. But when we saw her follow her husband after grabbing a corkscrew (“The Gift”) we knew she was prepared to fight using any resource necessary.

And just for fun, she shows she’s not above slapping the sh*t out of the increasingly annoying Robin Arryn when he’s acting like a child instead of Lord of the Vale (“Mockingbird”). She fights back against punk b*tches, too.