25 reasons we’re naming Sansa Stark the Queen in the North

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1. She’s brave

Northerners have a way of standing firm in the face of oppression, and Lady Sansa follows this trait to a tee. She’s come a long way since witnessing her own father’s execution at the order of her “beloved” psychotic Boy King. A trauma like that can harden someone quick, especially a young and impressionable teenager. Sansa learns the importance of putting on a brave face in front of her enemies, even if that enemy is brazen enough to proudly display Lord Eddard Stark’s head on a spike (“Fire and Blood”).

Throughout her time in King’s Landing, Sansa learns how to navigate the slimy political world of the capital. She had to be among the same people who killed her father, and would eventually slaughter her mother and brother, too. Being able to face the Lannisters day in and day out, even after Joffrey threatens her with a crossbow (“Garden of Bones”) makes her someone who has the bravery of a thousand men. Even Tyrion Lannister sees how strong and capable Sansa is when he says to himself, “Lady Stark, you may survive us yet.”

Although she faced unspeakable horrors while being dragged around Westeros like a rag doll, Sansa rarely complained about it. She knew handling her circumstances with great stoicism was the only way to get back her family’s place in the North.