From Revenge of the Sith (2005). Image via Disney/Lucasfilm
11. Mace Windu
Mace Windu should be one of the coolest Jedi in the Galactic Republic. Samuel L. Jackson automatically confers coolness points onto any character he plays. It’s one of those laws of the universe, even in galaxies far, far away. It’s why Mace can wield a purple lightsaber and have absolutely no one question it.
Presumably, if you say “what” to Mace Windu, he asks you if you speak Basic on the planet of What. Alternatively, “why” gets you the same question, just on a different planet. (Sorry. We could not pass that one up.)
We know that Mace Windu is one of the best with a lightsaber in his hand; he nearly takes down the Emperor in Revenge of the Sith. He even manages to redirect Force lightning! Alas, Anakin comes in and ruins it by helping Palpatine. Additionally, Mace features heavily in The Clone Wars, but, well, not everyone has seen the show.
Dear Marvel: Please give Mace Windu his own comic book series. Please also fill it with as many Samuel L. Jackson references as you can manage, just less obvious than the one we did above. We will also not complain if Mace Windu somehow ends up getting an eyepatch at one point.