50 of the Craziest Harry Potter Fan Theories Out There

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Harry Potter has had some crazy fan theories throughout the years and now, looking back, some of them weren’t too far off.

The Harry Potter series continues to expand in different ways but fan theories never seem to stop coming out. While we get a constant influx of new information about the wizarding world, fans do not let that stop them from continually throwing out slightly outlandish theories about the series they love.

Here’s the thing, not all the fan theories are crazy. Some are heartfelt and something they see more as a headcanon than a theory. But some, like Snape being a vampire, is more outlandish than probable.  Yes, he wears all black but do we really think he drinks blood and will live forever? Probably not. Definitely not. Since he died.

Whenever there is a series that people love whole-heartedly, there tends to be ideas that fans have that definitely do not fit with the overall arc of the series. So we’re planning on going through 50 of these theories to sort the probable from the completely insane.

From Harry being related to Sirius Black to Cannibalism, we’re taking a look at what fans think about the Harry Potter series. And while some of these are just fan theories, it’d be nice if a couple of them ended up being true.

[harry potter wikia]

1. Ariana Dumbledore is an Obscurial

The theory that Ariana Dumbledore is an obscurial for the obscurus that has formed inside her is not completely out of left field. As a child, she was attacked by muggle boys who saw her practicing magic. When she was attacked, it forced Ariana to suppress her magic and she refused to do spells anymore.

Now, after what we’ve learned from Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, suppresses ones magical abilities can form something called an obscurus. A manifestation of the magic that is being repressed, the obscurus can lash out and cause mass destruction.

It happened to Credence Barebone when Marylou took him in, so many are believing that the same could happen to Ariana years later. She refused to do magic and when one does that, it can form the obscurus.

By that same theory though, the same could have happened to Hagrid when he was expelled from Hogwarts. He wasn’t allowed to really practice magic but continued to anyway. If he hadn’t, Hagrid (and even Newt who was also expelled) could have repressed their magical nature and formed an obscurus as well.

Whether or not she is an obscurial, we won’t know until later in the series (if ever) if she truly is a obscurus or not.

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2. Dumbledore Created a Horcrux

This one is well thought out and, honestly, super cool to think about. Creating a horcrux is a dangerous and evil thing that not many know about. In fact, it is virtually impossible to research how to create a horcrux unless someone knows and tells you. At least, that is what happens to Harry, Ron, and Hermione so one can only assume the same happened to Tom Riddle.

So that then begs the question, who told Tom Riddle? When it comes to creating a horcrux, one had to have murdered in order to split apart their soul. Killing literally tears one’s soul into pieces. Now, the thing is, killing can be out of self-defense or an accident. It would still tear apart the soul but it would not be an act of evil.

So many are saying that Dumbledore, in a way of securing that he could come back if ever need be, took this to his advantage. Maybe he had to kill to survive or he accidentally was the result of someone else’s death. Whatever the cause, many think that Albus Dumbledore used his split apart soul to his advantage and created a horcrux as a safety precaution.

That means, that all Harry has to do is go find it and bring him back.

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3. Trelawney’s Prophecy

Trelawney gave a prophecy that set the entire series into motion. She explained that one would die at the hand of the other. It was Trelawney’s prophecy that forced Bellatrix to torture the Longbottoms and for Voldemort to kill the Potters. It gave us the story of Harry Potter.

But now, the question is, will Harry live forever now that Voldemort is dead? We will talk later on about all the theories to Harry’s immortality, but there is a part in Trelawney’s prophecy that states either must die at the hands of the other.

So if Voldemort is dead, who is to kill Harry? While it might have just simply meant that in order for one to reign victorious, only they could vanquish the other (in that instance). But fans are thinking that maybe it meant that Voldemort and/or Harry would live forever without the other one to kill them.

For Harry, that would be the worst possible fate. Watching his friends and family die and know that he’ll never get to see his family again? Boy lived through enough, let him die and let him die peacefully. That poor child deserves that if not everything and more. Let him see his parents again.

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4. Dumbledore is Death

The Tale of Three Brothers is a story that many Potter fans relate to and know by heart. It is the creation of the Deathly Hallows symbol and many fans use that symbol in their personal lives. (I have a Deathly Hallows tattoo and love it dearly) But the story of the Peverell  brothers also matches that of Harry, Voldemort, and Snape.

Voldemort is the first brother. Drunk on power and wanting to be the best wizard that ever lived. Snape is very clearly the second brother. He longs to be reunited with his love and will do whatever to feel like he is with her once more. And then there is Harry. He is the last brother who hides from Death until he greats him like an old friend.

Now where does that leave Dumbledore? Well, as Death himself. Dumbledore is behind the deaths of both Snape and Voldemort and he met with Harry at Kings Cross Station when he met his end. The theory was even approved by J.K Rowling herself! She tweeted out about how it fits and the theory actually makes sense.

And when you look at it, it really does. Maybe Rowling wrote that intentionally or maybe fans can just find symbolism in everything. Whatever it may be, it is a very interesting concept.

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5. The Dursley’s were Terrible to Harry Because He Was a Horcrux

We learned in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows that being constantly around a horcrux has negative effects. So one fan theory is that the Dursleys hate Harry because he is one of Voldemort’s horcruxes. While this theory is cool and would explain why they are such terrible people, it doesn’t necessarily ring true.

If that was the case, everyone in Harry’s life would react that way. If Ron was so badly influenced by the necklace, wouldn’t he react as the Dursleys did to Harry? While it excuses Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon, the theory doesn’t really make much sense.

If everyone treated Harry that way, if everyone he encountered hated him, then maybe it would be believable. Unfortunately though, Harry has a whole group of friends at school and people who want to be around him. They love Harry and would do anything for him. If his horcux nature upset people as this theory suggests, he would probably have no one close to him.

So while this is theory should make a lot of sense, it also brings up a good point: the Dursleys were just terrible people. Yes, Harry had a part of Voldemort’s soul trapped inside him but if everyone else can treat him with decency, so could they.

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6. The Centuars Knew Harry’s Fate All Along

In Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone, Firenze saves Harry when he first meets Voldemort in the Forbidden Forest. He is chastised by the other centaurs and asked how much he told Harry about his relationship and future with the Dark Lord.

Because the centaurs want to know what Firenze told Harry, it makes sense that there are theories that the centaurs knew everything that happens in the Harry Potter series. And there is plenty in the actual books to back this all up. Every time Firenze wants to help Harry or Dumbledore, the other centaurs either shun him or tell him it is a bad idea.

If Firenze would know what was going to happen before it did, he could stop Dumbledore’s death or help Harry find the horcruxes before he is meant to. It could change the course of everything and it is unsafe.

But it is clear that the centaurs respect Dumbledore and those around him, especially since they come to Dumbledore’s funeral in Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. So believing that the centaurs know what will happen before they do is not outlandish. It is probably part of the lore somewhere that they can, in fact, see the future.

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7. Trelawney is not Useless

Trelawney seemed to have failed prediction after failed prediction. Everything she does seems to be wrong, but in fact, she’s always right. When Harry is in Divination class, she says that his birthday is mid-winter. Everyone assumes it is another wrong prediction but, as we’ve learned in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Harry had part of Voldemort’s soul in him.

Voldemort’s birthday, if you don’t know, is December 31st. So while everyone thought that Trelawney was a phony, she proves again that her predictions are pretty spot on. For instance, look at her prediction from Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. 

"The one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord approaches… born to those who have thrice defied him, born as the seventh month dies… and the Dark Lord will mark him as his equal, but he will have power the Dark Lord knows not… and either must die at the hand of the other for neither can live while the other survives… the one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord will be born as the seventh month dies…."

Everyone thought this was straight forward and explained Harry’s story. But as we’ve come to know, it also refers to Neville (who defeated Nagini to help Harry end the reign of Voldemort.

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8. How Muggles Came Up with Abracadabra

Many believe that the muggles and the wizards used to live amongst each other. They think that the muggles knew of the magical world and something happened, completely separating the two. But that theory brings up the idea of the phrase abracadabra. We know it as something a magician says as they are finishing their tricks.

But where did it come from? A theory is that it is a kind of folklore that originated from Avada Kedavra. It makes sense if the theory about there being a war between the muggles and wizards is true. We’ll talk about the war theories later but abracadabra coming from Avada Kedavra wouldn’t be too far off.

Most folklore is changes throughout the years so it isn’t too far off to think that maybe muggles remembered the killing curse and associated it with what we consider magic. Though we may never truly know if wizards exist (they totally do), theories like this are fun to look at. We can take things from our real world and apply them to the world J.K Rowling created for us.

Who knows, maybe there is a magic school out there waiting for us all and we just don’t know it exists yet.

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9. The Visit to St. Mungo’s was Foreshadowing

In Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, there is foreshadowing that comes from the floor guide of the hospital. When Harry goes to St. Mungo’s to visit Mr. Weasley, there is a phrase that we encounter. While this theory is a little more out there and includes four parts of the floor guide, it is still an interesting connection.

Creature-Induced Injuries
Dai Llewellyn Ward
Serious Bites

We encounter these four phrases in some way or another and many fans are connecting them by saying they predict the death of Sirius Black. Again, it is pretty out there. Fans say they mean “Kreacher Dangerous, Die Sirius!” which kind of makes some sense.

Theories of this kind are easy when you know the outcome of the series. If people had used this to figure out that Sirius Black was going to die, then maybe this would make more sense. But in reality, people can find this kind of stuff and relate it back when they know the outcome of the whole story.

Harry Potter is filled with connections like this and while we can think they are all intentional, many are just part of the story and don’t foreshadowing everything that happens.

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10. Why Neville Got House Points in Sorcerer’s Stone

When Dumbledore gives Neville the house points at the end of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone, it is almost like he is doing so just to have Gryffindor win the house cup. But as we learned in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Dumbledore also had to stand up to a friend and knows how hard it can be.

Dumbledore stood up against his friend Gellert Grindelwald in a duel and gained possession of the Elder Wand. He had to fight against his friend and do what was right and push his own feelings aside. Much like Neville did when Harry, Ron and Hermione were escaping Gryffindor Common Room once again.

Many saw what Dumbledore did as favoritism and didn’t think he should have given Neville the points. But seeing this theory, it is clear that his reward runs deeper than just wanting Gryffindor to come out on top.

And it makes that original ending work. Where in the beginning, many were upset that Dumbledore took the win away from Slytherin but he honored the people he truly believed deserved it. And now, after seeing this explanation, the switch to a Gryffindor house cup is justified and right because Neville deserved those ten points and more.

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11. Harry and Ron Predict the Triwizard Tournament in Goblet of Fire

Harry and Ron have Divination homework that needs to get done in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. They start to jokingly make up predictions and then they think that they are finished. What they did predict, however, is the results of the Triwizard Tournament.

According to this Tumblr post, what happens in the Triwizard Tournament follows exactly what Harry and Ron make up as a their homework. So while they think it is all a joke and that they can just make up whatever they want, they actually predict their future pretty accurately. In fact, only one isn’t straight forward.


Harry did, in fact, get burned. By a dragon because, you know, his first task was trying to rescue and egg from one. And then he lost something valuable (Ron) who also predicted he would drown. And finally, they were turned against by Mad-Eye Moody and there was a final duel between Harry and Voldemort. Pretty much, Ron and Harry are Divination geniuses.

Maybe it was just a fun thing by J.K Rowling to have Harry and Ron be right or maybe they really are great at Divination. Whatever it may be, we at least know that Harry and Ron aren’t as terrible as they think they are.

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12. Cannibalism is a Part of Creating a Horcrux

J.K Rowling has never truly revealed the nature of how to make a horcrux. We know that you have to commit the greatest act of evil by murdering someone but other than that, we don’t know what you have to do.

One theory is that you have to eat the one you kill in order to create your horcrux. Disgusting right? While we don’t know for sure if that is the case, we do know that when J.k Rowling revealed how a horcrux was made to editor, her editor almost threw up. So if that tells us anything about how to make one, maybe cannibalism isn’t too far off.

According to this article, it might just be true. Looking at necromancy and the lore that many of Rowling’s spells are sourced from, it would seem that a very probable finishing moment to a horcrux would be eating the dead. It sure does make those who think Dumbledore has a horcrux that maybe their favorite Headmaster has a side to him that no one wants to know.

If cannibalism really is a set to making one, we’re certainly interested in how the rest is completed. Murder was pretty bad but eating the one you murdered? Even worse.

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13. Crookshanks Used to Belong to Lily Potter

In Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Harry reads a letter from Lily Potter. In it, she talks about their cat they had and how Harry almost runs the cat over with his toy broomstick. Harry wonders whether or not the cat survived Voldemort’s attack and that is all we hear about it.

This fan theory is that Crookshanks, the cat that Hermione buys in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. The cat instantly chases after Scabbers and it has forced many to think that maybe Lily Potter is the one who owned Crookshanks before Hermione.

The cat recognizes the black dog (Sirius) and Scabbers (Peter) and since the shop owner said she owned Crookshanks for quite sometime, many are saying that it seems to fit perfectly. J.K Rowling hasn’t confirmed or denied the theory but it sure does put a new light on that cat.

It is interesting. To throw in the information that the Potters had a cat that Harry never knew about in the last book? Other than showing Harry how his family was happy, what could purpose could it serve?

Maybe it is just that. Just showing us that Lily and James were making their little family or maybe she wanted Crookshanks to be that cat. But we may never know.

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14. Why Dementors Love Harry

Dementors feed on the happiness that is in ones soul. Harry seems to be their favorite target. Harry, who has had the hardest life of all, also has to deal with dementors on a regular basis coming after him. Yes, they go after everyone but it seems like they have something special for Harry Potter himself.

Many believe that is because Harry has more soul than those around him. And that is not meaning that he has more soul in the metaphorical sense. He literally has more soul than most because he has part of Voldemort’s inside of him.

So not only are the dementors feeding off of Harry’s soul but they also have memories of Voldemort’s that they can feed upon. It makes sense when you think about it. The dementors seemingly target Harry. While we can understand because Harry has had a hard life, he also has the soul of a man who had a hard life too.

Voldemort’s life is almost as terrible as Harry’s is. He has had such a rough go of it and for Harry to have both those souls residing inside him? Of course the dementors are going to have a field day with him.

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15. Voldemort Destroyed his Own Horcruxes

Voldemort is the reason all his horcruxes were defeated. While fans constantly make fun of him and how he failed time and time again, this theory really proves that Voldemort was the cause of his own demise. His horcruxes were defeated by different people. One of those people was even himself.

First, Harry destroyed the diary with the basilisk fang. And while Harry is the hero of our story, that is the only horcrux he destroys. Next was Dumbledore and the Marvolo Gaunt ring. Then Ron with the locket, Hermione with the Hufflepuff cup, Crabbe with the Ravenclaw diadem, and Neville defeats Nagini.

While all of these are destroyed by either the sword of Gryffindor, a basilisk fang, or the killing curse and fiendfyre, Voldemort makes it all possible. He opens the Chamber of Secrets for Harry to destroy the diary and then the basilisk venom was the reason five of the his horcruxes were destoryed.

Everything he did literally led to his own destruction. So the theory that Voldemort is the reason his own horcruxes were destroyed isn’t wrong. They just pin-pointed why all of the events in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows were even able to happen in the first place.

(L-r) MATTHEW LEWIS as Neville Longbottom, EMMA WATSON as Hermione Granger, RUPERT GRINT as Ron Weasley and DANIEL RADCLIFFE as Harry Potter in Warner Bros. Pictures’ fantasy adventure “HARRY POTTER AND THE DEATHLY HALLOWS – PART 2,” a Warner Bros. Pictures release.

16. Neville was Using the Wrong Wand

Neville Longbottom has been seen as a bit of a mess in the wizarding world. He’s not the wizard he should be and he can’t remember things half the time. But fans love Neville and knowing that Neville chose to use his father’s wand rather than letting a wand chose him makes him even more amazing.

It also provides a reason for why Neville wasn’t the best wizards in those first few years at Hogwarts. Until a Death Eater broke his wand in 1996, Neville Longbottom used a wand that did not chose him since it belong to his father.

What we know about wands is that they chose the wizard. So for Neville to not have one that chose him means that he might not be able to be the best he can be. We all know that afterwards Neville becomes a great wizard and maybe it is because of the wand that it took him longer to blossom.

This fan theory is more to benefit Neville and why he struggled but it is a sweet one. It gives him the benefit of the doubt while also showing us all how amazing Neville really is. He wanted to feel connected for his father and used his wand until he couldn’t any longer.

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17. Trelawney Said Harry’s Birthday Right

As we said before, Trelawney was right about a lot of Harry’s predictions. She said that he was born in mid-winter and everyone thought it was another typical mess up by Trelawney. As we stated before, this was one of the factors that proved she wasn’t as clueless as people thought. But this simple theory told us so much more.

Harry brushed this prediction off but what if he had told it to Dumbledore? What if he let someone know who had power or knew about the horcruxes? Would they figure it out sooner or tell Harry? We know that Dumbledore probably figured it out in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix but what would’ve happened if he figured it out in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban?

Or maybe we could have had Harry knowing what was to be done throughout the whole series and how he would cope with finding the rest of the horcruxes. Whatever would have happened, we’ll never know, but maybe this prediction could have changed the entire course of the Harry Potter series.

Especially since Harry could have known his fate going into fighting Voldemort each and every time. That he would always have to die.

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18. Harry, Ron and Hermione Chose to be in Gryffindor

Most Gryffindor’s don’t choose. In fact, no Hogwarts student really chooses what house they should be in. But then there is the Golden trio. Harry, Ron and Hermione should not have been in Gryffindor. While they continually showed bravery, they are all three clearly in the wrong house.

Yes, we wouldn’t have their friendship and the series wouldn’t have been the same at all but they all are so clearly different houses. Harry is definitely a Slytherin and we see in his Sorting Hat scene that he would be great there. He just chooses to be in Gryffindor.

Hermione is definitely a Ravenclaw. She’s so intelligent and loyal and she is the reason that Harry and Ron survive everything. And then there is Ron. While he is a Weasley and all the Weasleys end up in Gryffindor, Ron definitely should have been a Hufflepuff.

But it is clear that each member of the trio chose to be in Gryffindor. And it was that bravery to go against whatever the Sorting Hat chose that makes them amazing Gryffindors. So this theory while amazing also just proves why Hermione, Harry, and Ron are all right where they should be. At each others sides in the Gryffindor common room.

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19. The Dursley’s Hatred of Harry Strengthened Him

We all know that when you are hated by people, it only makes you work harder to be a better person. It strengthens you to prove yourself. So maybe the Dursley’s hatred Harry is what made him the amazing wizard he turned out to be.

Harry is dramatic. We see it time and time again and he has a sassy mouth that tends to get him in trouble. But maybe that is because of how he had to cope with the Dursleys his entire life. He had to listen to these people constantly tear him down and tell him he wasn’t good enough. So he rose above it, turned his sass factor up and learned how to cope.

Without the Dursleys, Harry would be completely different. He probably would be a stuck up kid who had amazing wizarding parents. Instead, he had the Dursleys, learned how to cope on his own, and makes himself stronger because of it all.

He works his hardest to make himself not like the people who raised him and it makes Harry the hero we all look up to. So yes, the Dursley’s hatred of Harry did strengthen him. It made him who he was.

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20. J.K Rowling is Actually Rita Skeeter

This theory is so far-fetched it could be true. Mainly because us fans just want it to be true. We want Harry Potter to be real and we want the world of Harry Potter to be one we can all exist in. So the idea that J.K Rowling is really Rita Skeeter and she’s just reporting on the happenings of the wizarding world and pretending like it is a fictional story.

Honestly this one is just wishful thinking. Yes we all want wizards to be real. We want Newt Scamander out there among us with all his beasts. How amazing would it be to run into Dumbledore on the street? But it isn’t really a ‘fan theory’ but more like something we all want to be true.

But it would be a cool thing to think about. J.K Rowling being a journalist in a wizarding world and writing this as a tease to the muggles out there. She wants to watch us wish we could go to Hogwarts full well knowing that Hogwarts really exists.

So even though we know this theory is crazy, it is something amazing to think about. After all, Hogwarts is always there to welcome you home.

21. Newt Scamander Gave Aragog to Hagrid

We know that Newt, like Hagrid, was expelled from Hogwarts for his beasts. We know that Hagrid was expelled because of Aragog but who gave Hagrid the egg that held the spider we all came to know? It was never in the series but many fan theories points to Newt Scamander himself.

While Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them just came out, we may see Newt return to Hogwarts later in the film franchise. Maybe we will learn that he comes back, sees himself reflected in Hagrid, and gives him a gift. While we can see the connection between the two, we don’t know if the two of them ever got to meet.

Just imagine how amazing that would be. Newt who loves his beasts and wants to take care of them and Hagrid who loves his animals more than anyone in his life. The two of them would just want to talk about beasts the entire time and Hagrid would cry if he got to go into Newt’s case.

So maybe Newt did give Aragog to Hagrid. We don’t know but what we do know is that we want the two of them to have met. We want Hagrid and Newt geeking out about animals and we want it fast.

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22. Neville was the Chosen One

This theory is pretty universal. Everyone thinks they know about Trelawney’s prophecy and who is meant to be the chosen one. The story is centered around Harry Potter but many fans think that maybe the Chosen One was supposed to be none other than Neville Longbottom.

While his birthday matches and his parents were tortured for this prophecy, Neville is the one who kills the final horcrux so that the destruction of Voldemort can take place. If it wasn’t for Neville, there would still have been a horcrux and the Battle of Hogwarts would have fallen to Voldemort and the Death Eaters.

But because of this brave boy, we got the ending to the series we always wanted. And, he ended up working at Hogwarts! So maybe in the end, Neville wasn’t supposed to be the one who defeated Voldemort or maybe he was.

We may never know but at least we know that Neville ended up amazing and did everything he was destined to do. He worked his hardest and made sure he did his parents proud. And that he did. So he might not be the Chosen One, but he is one of our heroes because of how amazing he is.

HARRY POTTER AND THE SORCERER’S STONE, Daniel Radcliffe, Emma Watson, Rupert Grint, 2001

23. The Sorcerer’s Stone Predicts the Whole Series

The ending of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone is said to predict everything that happens in the whole series. While it is a bit out there and more like fans are reaching for a connection, there are elements that show us a timeline for how the series is going to pan out.

First Harry, Ron, and Hermione must get past Fluffy. Fluffy represents all of the obstacles that are in their way throughout the series. Next, they have the Devil’s Snare. This is an element of trust that they hadn’t yet learned and how they had to believe Hermione and trust her as best they could.

After the Devil’s Snare is the key and this task is important. It shows us that Harry is the one who is going to have to lead but, in the end, he’ll need his friends to help out. After that is Wizards Chess, where he, again, needs Ron and Hermione to help him. The final task is Harry facing Voldemort on his own.

The whole thing is very telling of series as a whole but may just be what Rowling used as a sounding board. If not, she did an amazing job of getting us all to look into every detail of this series as ask how she is so intelligent.

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24. George Weasley is Willy Wonka

This theory is a fans way of coping and seeing how George survived the death of his twin brother. It also is awesome and would make sense and we’re all going to pretend that that is what happens to that George Weasley.

The idea is that George uses a Time Turner and become Willy Wonka is amazing. He goes back in time, makes a chocolate factory in London and lives out his days there. While Molly Weasley would probably come back in time to find him and drag him home, the idea is cool.

Or was until we learned that you can’t really go back in time that far without major consequences. After Harry Potter and the Cursed Child, we learned that the further you go back, the bigger mess you can make. And usually, Time Turners only go back a few hours.

So while we would love the idea of George Weasley as Willy Wonka, it just isn’t probable. So here is to the idea that George Weasley becomes the Willy Wonka of prank shops. May he cast jokes and let the legacy of his brother live on.

George, be the magical Willy Wonka we all know and love.

25. Hufflepuff is the Stoner House of Hogwarts

This does not need explained. Literally, there is no better explanation for the Hufflepuffs than that they are the stoner house of Hogwarts. After all, they are right next to the kitchens. Mainly it is because the Hufflepuffs are ‘particularly good finders’ and out there in general.

While there are some great wizards in Hufflepuff, the house tends to gets the brunt of the jokes. Everyone makes fun of Hufflepuffs and they just take it and laugh it off. Again, another reason they are the stoner house of Hogwarts. They’re too out of it to even realize they are being made fun of.

In reality, the Hufflepuffs are just the house that are fierce loyal and would do whatever to help those they care for. The ‘stoner’ label is more because they are right next to the kitchen and the only Hufflepuffs we’ve really gotten were Tonks and Cedric. And our sweet boy Newt who, maybe, isn’t the best representative for the Hufflepuffs. If anyone is out there, it surely is Newt Scamander.

But the Hufflepuffs are an amazing group. Even if they are most definitely the stoner house of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. You don’t get your common room placed next to the kitchen for nothing.

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26. Mrs. Norris is Filch’s Wife

These are the fan theories that make no sense. Maybe it is just because they are one offs or maybe there is some fandom behind this but it just doesn’t make sense. Maybe Filch just loves a woman who really loves to be a cat. Or maybe he loves Mrs. Norris so much that he married an animal and partakes in beastiality. Who knows?

There are a couple theories out there like this and the question is just…why? What is the benefit of it? Maybe it is just all part of a fandom who misses their series. We used to have a new book every few years and a new movie to enjoy and now we are at standstill really.

So to cope, we get crazy things like this. Again, maybe there is more to it and I’m just completely missing it but this is crazy. You want Filch to be married to his cat? And this isn’t one of those Tumblr things that is like “don’t shame me for what I like”. No, this is beastiality. This is wrong and weird and if you want a man married to a cat, I’m gonna say maybe not. Maybe just…not at all.

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27. Arthur Weasley was Under the Imperius Curse

There is a theory out there that Arthur Weasley was once under the Imperius curse. It is believed that during Voldemort’s first rise, many were placed under it and forced to do things against their will for the Dark Lord. While we do not know for certain, there are some bits of evidence that point to Arthur Weasley being one of them.

There are illusions to a Voldemort skeleton in the closet of the Weasleys, Ron isn’t great at shrugging off the Imperius curse and Arthur hates Malfoy in a way that suggests they have more of a past than we know about.

While there are tons more evidence in this post about how Arthur was under the curse, it is an extremely interesting theory even if we just focus on these three. For one, the illusions to Voldemort being in the Weasley’s past. With the way the kids deal with their father, it is clear they are hiding something.

Harry can, freakishly, shrug off the Imperius curse but Ron definitely can not. Maybe that is because it runs in his family. And finally, Arthur’s hatred of the Malfoys. It shows us that maybe Lucius was the one who put Arthur under the curse. We may never know the truth but this theory really does check out.

Harry and Voldemort’s midair battle (Warner Bros.)

28. Muggles Fought the Wizards and the Muggles Won

Many wonder how the wizards and the muggles got to the point where they are. We learned in Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them that the no majs and wizards couldn’t even be friends with one another. So it begs the question, what happened between the muggles and the wizards for it to get this way?

Many think that there was a war between the two and the muggles won. How? We may never know since the wizards have magic but maybe it is true. Maybe the muggles somehow outsmarted the wizards.

We do know that our own history includes burning people in Salem for thinking they are witches and wizards. So maybe that kind of war happened and the wizards hid themselves away to protect themselves.

Whatever it truly is, it does make us wonder why the muggles and the wizards have this relationship. Is it because of a muddle past or do the wizards just hid because they don’t want muggles to marry wizards for the magic?

Whatever it may be, if wizards are really out there, please reveal yourself and let us all become part of the magic. We want wands and magic schools and please just let us be involved!

Image: Warner Bros.

29. Harry is King Arthur

Harry is constantly told that he was placed with the Dursleys so that he wouldn’t get an ego for what he did as a baby. Or at least, that’s why we think he was given to them instead of raised in the wizarding world. But maybe it wasn’t just because of an ‘ego’. Maybe Harry is, in fact, royalty.

There is a theory out there that Harry Potter is a descendant of King Arthur and there is a lot of source material to back up this. Aunt Petunia says that Harry’s name is a ‘nasty common name’ while we know, for a fact, that it is a name of a Prince. After all, we currently have a prince named Harry.

But not only that, the books show a connection to Godric Gryffindor who many are theorizing is the son of King Arthur. So, maybe through his relation to Gryffindor, Harry is, in fact, the relation of the great King.

King Arthur and his friend Merlin were the first in legend to deal with magic so maybe the connection brought forth a magical wife for Arthur to lead to Godric and, eventually, Harry. After all, Dumbledore says he’s not a ‘pampered little prince’ since he lived with the Dursley’s so maybe he is, in fact, a prince.

Image via Warner Brothers Pictures

30. Ginny Drugged Harry with Love Potion

I will start this slide by saying that I have always been and I always will be a Harry and Hermione shipper. So this theory means a lot to me and makes everything that happens justified and I can breathe happy. Many fans think that Harry was drugged by Ginny with a love potion. It would explain their sudden romance and justify everything.

The theory is pretty much that she drugged him in Harry Potter and the Half-blood Prince and made him fall in love with her. It would make a lot of sense since it seemed like Ginny was just the girl who had a crush on Harry and Ron’s kid sister. Then she suddenly was the love of Harry’s life.

It brings up some questions for fans and they aren’t unwarranted. So many think that maybe Ginny drugged Harry to fall in love with her and maybe he eventually does love her on his own but fans think that initial is a love potion.

That is great for us Harry/Hermione fans but it is definitely not likely. Harry loves Ginny and we have to deal with that. But we can pretend that maybe, just maybe, this is true. Maybe Ginny drugged him.

31. Draco Malfoy is a Werewolf

What? The minute this theory came to light it begged the question: What? It makes no sense. If he was a werewolf, there would definitely be moments when Harry saw it on the Marauder’s map and went to see what Draco was doing. After all, that is all that Harry and his friends did some years. They were obsessed with seeing what Draco was doing.

It is a way to say that Draco isn’t a Death Eater. He is. He followed his parents and he got the Dark Mark. Fans of Draco want to justify his actions. He joined Voldemort, that is what happened and that is that. This theory is just a way of saying why he ended up going to Voldemort’s side.

The theory says he is ‘sickly’ in Harry Potter and the Half-blood Prince and Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows because he’s a werewolf. But there is no evidence of such except that he looks sick. Which can be because he is a Death Eater against his will? Maybe, just maybe?

Though this is outlandish and just a way of justifying Draco, it would have been cool. But there is literally no real evidence of this.

Ezra Miller as Credence Barebone in Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them. Image: Warner Bros.

32. Credence Barebone is Voldemort’s Dad

Oh how this theory would be so amazing if it could be true. Fans who think about this theory are maybe not the best at math. Or maybe Credence escapes the end of Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them and runs off to sleep with a woman before anything else. Because the film is set in 1926. Want to know what year Voldemort was born? 1926.

If we know anything about Credence, it is that he lived with a religious nut. So the chances that he would go out and have an illegitimate love child is slim. Especially one that ends up in England and becomes the Dark Lord.

This theory would be super amazing though. It would tie everything into Voldemort rather than just setting up the Gellert Grindelwald connection. The set up just doesn’t necessarily work. Since this is set in the year of Voldemort’s birth, unless it is set in February or March, Credence just couldn’t possibly father Voldemort.

Maybe we will get to meet a young Voldemort and see how he came to be the wizard we all know. But until then, we can pretend that Credence Barebone survived and went on to bring on the birth of the worst wizard to ever live.

DO NOT USE PRIOR TO PUBLICATION. SUNDAY CALENDAR COVER STORY FOR JULY 5, 2009. (L-r) MICHAEL GAMBON as Albus Dumbledore and DANIEL RADCLIFFE as Harry Potter in Warner Bros. Pictures’ fantasy adventure movie “Harry Potter and the Half -Blood Prince .

33. Harry Will Never Die

We learned in the prophecy from Trelawney that one would die at the hand at the other and that they could not survive while the other lived. So, does that mean that when one is dead, the other can never die?

Many are theorizing that it means that Harry will now be immortal because Voldemort is dead. Just imagine, the Boy Who Lived gets to live forever. It would literally be the worst thing to ever happen to Harry Potter.

He’d never get to see his family again, he’d have to watch everyone he loves die and then still remain alive. Just let the poor boy die already.

This theory would be cool but would also suck for Harry. He’s been through so much and the idea that he’ll never see his parents again? It would be so terrible for him. But it does match with the prophecy. He would get to live forever because the only one who would be able to kill him is Voldemort.

So while this is great and would be cool, let us let Harry Potter live and happy, full life and then die. Let him do what is necessary and then go peacefully into the afterlife.

Courtesy of Warner Brothers

34. Dumbledore Faked the Prophecy

Albus Dumbledore is said to be a lot of things. He is a hero, a man who is troubled, someone who befriended a child and led to his life being pretty terrible. But this theory paints him in an even worse light because it led to the death of Lily and James Potter, his so-called beloved former students.

The theory is this: Dumbledore faked the prophecy to lore Voldemort to Godric’s Hollow to try and stop him. The problem? They didn’t stop Voldemort and he killed Lily and James and almost killed Harry. A lot of people refute this by saying that Dumbledore knew about the horcruxes at this point and knew they would have to be destroyed first.

But with all the information we learned about Dumbledore throughout the series, this isn’t so far fetched. Dumbledore had time and time again put Harry in danger to try and defeat Voldemort so why wouldn’t he put Lily and James in the same danger thinking he could save them?

The only thing is that if this theory is true, why would Dumbledore not inform Lily and James and be there when Voldemort came for them? Unless he knew that Harry had to defeat Voldemort and they had to just be sacrificed for the greater good.

Courtesy of Warner Brothers

35. Ron Weasley is Dumbledore

The popular theory that Ron Weasley and Albus Dumbledore is the same character comes from the idea that Ron is the knight of the series and his close knit relationship with Harry. This theory is interesting and everything but there are many key factors that refute it.

For one, Dumbledore is pretty great with all of those inspirational quotes about dreams and the light and all the stuff that we fans have tattooed on our bodies. Ron? Not so much. If we’re supposed to believe that a young Dumbledore time travelled to the future to be Harry’s best friend, maybe we should have some sense that they are the same person.

Apart from their love of chocolate and candy and the fact that they both injured their left leg, there isn’t really anything in common. And people are even saying that Hermione is young Dumbledore’s beard since she married Ron.

While I do not like Ron and Hermione, even I can see that they do love each other. So while it would have been a cool reveal, this theory just doesn’t have much traction. Despite its popularity, Harry does not befriend young Dumbledore. He is friends with the lovely ginger boy named Ron Weasley.

DANIEL RADCLIFFE (foreground) as Harry Potter and (background l-r) RUPERT GRINT as Ron Weasley, WARWICK DAVIS as Griphook, JON KEY as Bogrod and EMMA WATSON as Hermione Granger and in Warner Bros. PicturesÕ fantasy adventure ÒHARRY POTTER AND THE DEATHLY HALLOWS Ð PART 2,Ó a Warner Bros. Pictures release.

36. Deathly Hallows Represents All the Books

There is a scene in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows that looks like Harry, Ron, and Hermione just battle a bunch of random elements on their way to defeating Voldemort and the Death Eaters. But when you break down the scene, they are all things that the trio battled in their younger years.

First, there is a giant troll they have to fight off, then lots of spiders, then a werewolf and finally, dementors. What is great about all this? The ease in which they fight everything in their way to do what is right and help destroy Voldemort.

The first time I watched this scene, I did not see the significance of everything they battled. It seemed like the trio was just going through what was necessary to get to their end goal. In reality, it was showing how much the three have grown throughout the series and how they turned into some of the greatest witches and wizards out there.

Harry, Ron, and Hermione defeated those things that used to haunt them with ease and they proved their worth. They’re three amazing people and we’re all lucky enough to have grown up with them. And this scene is just one instance where we see how brilliant they truly are.

Courtesy of Warner Brothers

37. The Defense Against the Dark Arts Position is Cursed

We all know that the Defense Against the Dark Arts position at Hogwarts tends to have a very dark past. We know that each teacher comes and each year, that teacher either leaves, gets injured, or dies. So maybe the theory that the position is cursed isn’t too far off.

Everyone knows that Severus Snape wanted to be the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor. But every time there was a new one needed, Dumbledore never chose him. So many are asking why? The theory is that Dumbledore knew that the position was cursed and, therefore, didn’t want Snape to take it.

How did he know this? Because he knew of Voldemort coming to him asking for the position in Hogwarts. That is pretty much all the theory has to offer for why they think the position is cursed. What curse would it be that they would just constantly need a new professor? If every professor died, that would be a different story. But we know that that isn’t true.

Lockhart, Lupin, Mad-Eye Moody, Snape and Umbridge all left the position alive. What kind of curse would it be if they all survived but just stop being the teacher? Or maybe the curse meant they would eventually die. Whatever the case may be, it isn’t a great curse if it is one.

Courtesy of Warner Brothers

38. There’s a Reason Harry’s Class Size is so Small

If you ever wanted to know what the baby boom was like in the wizarding world, don’t look at Harry’s birth year. This fan theory explains why Harry’s class size is significantly smaller than what it should be. J.K Rowling said that there were about 1,000 students in Hogwarts. So why are there only about 10 new Gryffindors in Harry’s year?

There should be about 35 new students in each house every year. So why does it seem like Harry’s year is so small? Well, think about when these children would have had to been born. It would have been the height of Voldemort’s reign.

What we know from history is that in times of war or when people are afraid, there tends to be less births. They don’t want to bring babies into a world they are afraid of. Now, we know that after the Battle of Hogwarts, there was probably a baby boom but for Harry’s Hogwarts class, there isn’t too many students to go around.

So next time you think “Hey, how come there are only like 5 other Gryffindors in Harry’s year?” you can think about all the scared sex people were having during Voldemort’s reign.

Courtesy of Warner Brothers

39. Harry and Sirius are Related by Blood

Harry Potter comes from a family of pure-bloods. Though he doesn’t pay much attention to his bloodline, the Potters were a pure-blood family and since Lily has magic capabilities but Petunia does not, fans are saying that maybe they are very far away descendents of a pure-blood family as well.

And what do we know about the pure-bloods in the wizarding world? They’re all related to each other in some way or another. So, by that theory, many fans have connected Harry to the Black family. Meaning that his Godfather Sirius Black could be a cousin that he didn’t know about.

Fans think that Harry is the result of Dorea Black’s marriage to Charlus Potter. They believe that these two could have been James Potter’s parents or his grandparents.

And this connection would mean that Harry is related to his wife, his best friend, his godfather, and his enemy. He’d be connected to everyone in his life by blood except for Hermione.

It is an interesting theory but one that doesn’t necessary add anything to the relationships. Harry is close to everyone on his own terms and being related by blood would just make them family on paper. They are family already.

Professor Gilderoy Lockhart (KENNETH BRANAGH) in Warner Bros. Pictures’ movie, “Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets.” Photo by Peter Mountain

40. Gilderoy Got Hired as a Joke

Dumbledore hired Gilderoy Lockhart and fans still want to know why. A theory is that it was a joke. To show that Dumbledore has a sense of humor but Rowling quickly diminished that. The idea that Dumbledore would hire someone as a joke looks bad on him, but Albus hiring a man to prove he is a fraud? That’s pretty awesome.

Maybe he shouldn’t have taught at all and found some other way of showing that Gilderoy Lockhart was a scam artist but either way, it makes us see Dumbledore in a different light.

He doesn’t want people who lie to get ahead. Yes, Dumbledore lies but he normally does it for the greater good. Lockhart lies for his own personal gain. So Dumbledore hiring him to teach Defense Against the Dark Arts and watching him fail further proving that Lockhart is a fraud? Amazing.

We know that Lockhart would steal the stories of other wizards and claim them as his own and Dumbledore knew this before anyone. He wanted to show Lockhart’s true colors but do it in a way that wouldn’t have Lockhart’s fans attacking him.

So, he let Lockhart destroy himself and it was genius. Even if Lockhart shouldn’t have taught at Hogwarts at all.

Courtesy of Warner Brothers

41. Crookshanks is a Half-Kneaze

Crookshanks seems to be a cat with many theories behind him. He is thought to be Lily Potter’s cat (as we talked about earlier) and now, fans finally got a theory confirmed by J.K Rowling herself. The theory of whether Crookshanks is something more than a regular cat was confirmed by the author during the release of Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them.

Harry and Ron constantly talk about how Crookshanks freaks them out and that it can’t be just a cat. Well, in fact, he isn’t just a cat. He’s half-Kneaze. A kneaze is a breed of highly intelligent magical feline with a plumed tail like a lion, capable of breeding with the usual garden-variety, non-magical cat.

So it is true that Crookshanks is not just your run of the mill cat. So maybe that means that he is, in fact, the cat that the Potters owned before their death.

It would certainly make fans happy to know that Crookshanks found his way back to Harry in whatever way he could. Even if it was in the form of Hermione’s pet cat. Now, all we need is for J.K Rowling to confirm this theory and that is two down and about a million more to go.

Courtsey of Warner Brothers

42. McGonagall is a Death Eater

This fan theory is, for lack of a better term, dumb. Many look at it as a way to show how fans can see things into even the smallest of details and form crazy theories based on those small instances. For example, the fact that Minerva McGonagall says that muggles are not completely stupid makes fans think she is a pure-blood elitist.

Crazy, right? Well, that’s this entire theory. They just pick out little instances where McGonagall seems to hate anyone but pure-bloods and says it means she is a Death Eater. McGonagall, who loves her students and her job and magic in general is a Death Eater.

Honestly, if you believe this theory, you could be ashamed. McGonagall is a saint. She is a woman who did anything and everything for her students and to say she was a Death Eater? I know we live in a world where you can have your own theories but honestly, how dare you?

This is one of those that just makes me so mad. Minerva McGonagall deserves better than this and this theory should not even exist. But it does and for those who believe it, you stop that right now because McGonagall deserves better.

Courtesy of Warner Brothers

43. Harry Hallucinated all of it While Under the Dursely’s Stairs

This Bob Newhart esque theory makes fans cringe. Not because it would be a bad thing, but mainly because this world was created for us all to escape to and to see it vanish simply for the act of storytelling would hurt too badly.

For those who do not get the ‘Bob Newhart’ reference, there was an entire season of the show that was a dream of Bob Newhart’s. Since, every show or franchise has at least one theory that it is going to just be like that season of The Bob Newhart Show.

So to think that the entire Harry Potter series is a dream would hurt fans a little more than it did for fans of The Bob Newhart Show. Mainly because those fans didn’t grow up with these characters and dream of going to a magical school with witches and wizards.

But it would be an interesting twist. To have Harry dream up this world where he is famous for saving the wizarding world and defeating the Dark Lord? That is one active imagination for a small child. But luckily, there is no real evidence that this was all a dream. I honestly don’t think that J.K Rowling would do that to us.

Courtesy of Warner Brothers

44. Quirrell was Trying to Kill Neville During the Flying Lesson

We know that Quirrell was trying to kill Harry Potter in his first ever Quidditch match. It is a huge plot point and something that we get explained to us. What we don’t get explained? What happened to Neville Longbottom in his first ever flying lesson.

The way his broom took off and how quickly everything happened made fans think that maybe, just maybe, Quirrell was behind that one too. At the time, many thought it was just foreshadowing to what would happen to Harry but now that we know what the prophecy said, maybe Quirrell was trying to kill both the boys who could defeat Voldemort in one go.

There is no real evidence for this other than what we see in the book and film but it is a surprisingly convincing case. Neville’s broom does act like no one else’s and seems to fly off without his control. So maybe Quirrell thought he could make his death look like an accident and kill off one of the ‘Chosen Ones’ before they had the chance to kill the Dark Lord.

What’s funny is that we know that the Chosen One cannot be killed by anyone other than Voldemort but still, people tried.

**ADVANCE FOR WEEKEND EDITIONS APRIL 29-MAY 2**Daniel Radcliffe reprises his role as a young sorcerer with Maggie Smith returning as one of his professors at Hogwarts School in “Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban,” pictured in an undated publicity photo. The third in the “Harry Potter” series will be in theaters this summer. (AP Photo/Warner Bros.)

45. Mary Poppins and Harry Potter Are in the Same Universe

Fans are making connections to Mary Poppins and the wizarding world of Harry Potter. And while this theory may sound insane when first pitched, it actually makes a lot of sense. Well, as much sense as a flying nanny with a magical bag and flying capabilities can make.

Basically, fans think that Mary Poppins graduated from Hogwarts long before Harry and Voldemort and kept to herself and kept on the right track. To live among the muggles, she only uses levitation and her magical bag and conceals her wand in her umbrella much like Hagrid eventually does.

The theory includes an idea that Dick Van Dyke’s Bert is either a squib or a wizard himself as he is the only one who doesn’t believe her stories of her magical abilities. Basically, Mary Poppins went to Hogwarts and knows of the wizarding world and we just didn’t know it yet. Imagine how cool that would be, seeing Mary Poppins fight alongside everyone at the Battle of Hogwarts!

While this is another far-fetched theory by fans, it is a no harm, no foul one. It is simply just a fan theory that would make a lot of us happy to see our favorite nanny fighting alongside out favorite witches and wizards.

Courtesy of Warner Brothers

46. Molly Weasley Knits Fred a Sweater Every Year

This theory is more of a headcanon than a theory but it is still something that fans think about quite frequently. A Weasley sweater is something special. When Molly Weasley sees you as one of her own, you get a sweaters with your initial on it. They’re so important that even The Wizarding World of Harry Potter sells them in their gift shops. (I should know, I spent a lot of money on one)

But what happens to all those sweaters with the F on them that Fred had gotten throughout the years? And what will happen when Molly Weasley accidentally knits one and forgets what happened to her son? Well, fans say she still knits him one every year.

It is heartbreaking to think about how George and Molly deal with the death of Fred. That was George’s twin and Molly’s son, the two aren’t the only ones affected but it still hits them hard. So, Molly decides to knit him a sweater every year and one day, when George has his own son named Fred, he will give him the sweaters and tell him tales about the amazing uncle he once had. And now think about that and cry your eyes out.

Image via Warner Brothers Pictures

47. Snape is a Vampire

Here is another theory that makes us literally go…what? The idea behind it is that Snape is often up at night and there was a comment in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban that the next Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher would be a vampire.

The worst part about this theory is probably how adamantly people fight for it. It makes no sense and is just there because people are weirdly obsessed with vampires and so fans pegged Snape as the one who would be a vampire and live forever or whatever.

Snape died as he should have and he creepily still loved Lily after all this time and we’re supposed to feel sorry for him. He tormented a child because he called a girl he loved a mudblood. Not our fault, but fans love him (which is fine and you can love Snape) but saying he’s a vampire? That is absolutely insane.

Severus Snape is a man who could not show his feelings accordingly and it led to him leading a lonely life and he died showing Harry that he had a creepy crush on his dead mother. He is not a vampire and he should not be one.

This all comes from someone who has a lot of issues with Severus Snape.

Courtesyof Warner Brothers

48. Nagini is Voldemort’s Wife

Well, we know that this isn’t true. After Harry Potter and the Cursed Child, we found out that Voldemort and Bellatrix had a child named Delphi. Or at least that is who everyone thinks is Delphi’s mother. But according to some fans, they think that Nagini is Voldemort’s wife.

Again, what are with these weird beastiality theories? Or maybe they think she’s an animagus? Which, okay sure but then why would we never see her true form? What is the point?

These theories just don’t make a lot of sense. Why can’t animals just be animals? The theory is that she was either stuck in her animagus form or just like being a snake. WHO WANTS TO JUST BE A SNAKE? It honestly confuses me to know end how these theories get traction.

But alas, it is here and it is slightly popular and fans seem to believe it. They think that their relationship is more than just owner and pet. I’m sorry but have you see how some owners love their pets? Especially if said pet had a piece of their owners soul trapped inside them? Of course Voldemort keeps Nagini close. She literally is his saving grace if he dies again.

Courtesy of Warner Brothers

49. Lupin is James Potter in Disguise

Well, we know that this isn’t true. After Harry Potter and the Cursed Child, we found out that Voldemort and Bellatrix had a child named Delphi. Or at least that is who everyone thinks is Delphi’s mother. But according to some fans, they think that Nagini is Voldemort’s wife.

Again, what are with these weird beastiality theories? Or maybe they think she’s an animagus? Which, okay sure but then why would we never see her true form? What is the point?

These theories just don’t make a lot of sense. Why can’t animals just be animals? The theory is that she was either stuck in her animagus form or just like being a snake. WHO WANTS TO JUST BE A SNAKE? It honestly confuses me to know end how these theories get traction.

But alas, it is here and it is slightly popular and fans seem to believe it. They think that their relationship is more than just owner and pet. I’m sorry but have you see how some owners love their pets? Especially if said pet had a piece of their owners soul trapped inside them? Of course Voldemort keeps Nagini close. She literally is his saving grace if he dies again.

Courtesy of Warner Brothers

50. The Reason We Never Got Letters is Because of Voldemort

The theory goes like this: Voldemort hates mudbloods, right? So he deleted the records of all mudblood wizards and witches born after 1985 to about 1998. That means that if you were born between those years, you may still be a wizard yet and never know.

Lucky for me and most people in the Harry Potter generation, we are all within that time frame. We grew up with Harry and dreamed of getting our own Hogwarts letters but Voldemort ruined it for us. So, at least we know that we would have gotten them. The Dark Lord himself just hated us for not being from a wizarding family. So thanks mom and dad for not being a witch and a wizard. I could have gone to Hogwarts but you ruined it.

Related Story: Importance of Halloween in the Harry Potter Series

All these theories are lovely and show the dedication to the Harry Potter series that fans have. So while some do not make a lot of sense, they still show how much we love the world J.K Rowling created for us. Hogwarts is always there to welcome us home and every time we open another Harry Potter book, we remember just how much the Boy Who Lived means to us all.