17 Non-Profit Organizations That Need Your Support in 2017

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NAACP Legal Defense Fund

The issues of race relations in our country, criminal justice reform and police brutality have been a divisive topic in 2016. The conversation will continue well into 2017 and hopefully positive change will come.

In my opinion, President-Elect Donald Trump’s ideas about race relations and  handling police brutality are awful. While its true that he hasn’t taken office yet and none of us know exactly what he will do, what he is suggesting frightens me and many others.

Trump’s  stance on the “stop and frisk” tactic only leads to more discrimination and the criminalization of people of color.

The NAACP Legal Defense Fund is a legal organization that fights for racial justice using litigation, advocacy, and public education. The LDF promotes structural changes  that will expand democracy, eliminate disparities, and achieve racial justice in our society. The LDF wishes to fulfill the promise of equality for all Americans.

"LDF works both through the courts and through advocacy to the executive and legislative branches, educational outreach, monitoring of federal and state government activity, coalition building and policy research. Additionally, through its scholarship, fellowship, and internship programs, LDF helps students to attend and graduate from many of the nation’s best colleges, universities, and law schools and to develop a lasting commitment to racial justice and public service."

To learn more about this non-profit or to make a donation click here.