17 Non-Profit Organizations That Need Your Support in 2017

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Since 1973, Lambda has been representing the LGBT community and those with HIV through impact litigation, education and public policy work. LAMBDA is the largest national legal organization and doesn’t accept any government money. They rely on the generosity of donors.

"Our work is vital, and our strategy works: We make the case for equality in the nation’s courts and in the court of public opinion. We make a big impact in people’s lives by changing laws, policies and ideas. Until we achieve full equality under the law in every state in this country, we will keep fighting and moving history forward."

The #DontEraseUS campaign was started by LAMBDA to end Anti-LGBT curriculum laws in schools. Some of these laws (depending on the state) will restrict or prohibit the discussion of LGBT issues in the classroom. In come classrooms, portraying LGBT people and their lifestyle in a negative light is required. Not only are these laws harmful, but they further stigmatize LGBT students.

Lambda Legal is an advocate for transgender rights. They work diligently to defend protections for transgender people under federal, state and local laws and other policies.

"Transgender people experience rampant workplace discrimination, may be met with challenges to their parental relationships, lack sufficient access to quality healthcare free from discrimination and face difficulties in obtaining appropriate name and gender designations on their identity documents."

To learn more or to make a donation click here.