18 Memorable Moments From Breakfast At Tiffany’s

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Courtesy of Paramount Pictures

If We’re Going to be Friends Let’s Get One Thing Straight Right Now. I Hate Snoops!

Holly is a strange character to nail down. She climbs into Paul’s room and looks at all his belongings before climbing in bed with him, asking if they’re friends, and telling him he reminds her of her brother Fred. She then proceeds to call him Fred and it gets a little weird when she starts to have feelings for him.

But in this scene, all Holly is doing is snooping on Paul. So when she gets into bed and falls asleep and starts to talk in her sleep, she gets mad when Paul asks her if she’s alright. It is a little backwards since she just questioned him non-stop and especially since he was worried after her supposed nightmare.

Holly then tells Paul “If we’re going to be friends let’s get one thing straight right now. I hate snoops!” Then she storms out of his room and doesn’t come back for the rest of the night. It shows us just how much Holly wants to know about those around her but how she doesn’t want anyone to know about her past.

She escaped the life of Lulamae and she doesn’t want anyone else to question her about it. Even Paul.