15 Times Gilmore Girls: A Year in the Life Gave Us All the Feels

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9.  Luke & Jess

Since Gilmore Girls is mostly about mothers and daughters it is always nice to have a representation of a father/son relationship with Luke and Jess. Seeing Jess hug Luke on the street of Stars Hollow is enough alone to make any fan shed a tear, but it is Jess’ support of Luke and Lorelai’s relationship that really seals the deal.

Jess and Luke are very similar people. Jess doesn’t want his uncle to make the same mistakes when it comes to love that he did. It is Jess who convinces Luke to not be afraid to tell Lorelai how much he cares about her which in turn leads to Luke’s outburst in the kitchen in “Fall”.  The fact that Jess shows up at all to help his uncle and later attend his wedding is just another example of how the character has grown and the special relationship they share.

It is nice to see Luke and Jess respecting each other and getting along as equals. They struggled for a long time to get to this place. It just makes it a little sad when Jess isn’t around for the impromptu wedding later on, but seeing him help Luke pick out a tux is enough if we have to take what we can get.