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4. He Knows How to Defend
As a member of the Night’s Watch, Jon learned how to defend the wall. That skill set would come in handy when he rules Westeros. He already knows how to defend and make sure those he is protecting are safe.
He also had to defend Winterfell growing up and all of his training leads him to be the most qualified person for the throne. Yes some of the others have training and know how to rule but Jon is born to be a leader.
Even when he is meant to blend into the background and not lead, he somehow gains power and leads the group he is in. It is proven time and time again that he is just simply a born leader. Others have had leadership thrust upon them but Jon does it with ease and without having to be asked.
He knows how to protect and serve and he defends what it rightfully his to defend. It makes him a great candidate for the throne because he knows what to do. Most just protect and defend what they think is theirs to while Jon does whatever he needs to to defend everyone.
He’d protect Westeros as best he could and that would make him the best king it could have.