30 Reasons Why Jon Snow Deserves The Iron Throne

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24. He Can Continue the Stark/Targaryen Line

Jon is both a Targaryen and a Stark. If he has the ability to have children and chooses to do so, he would continue the family lines. Especially if the woman he chooses to marry is Daenerys, they Targaryen line will truly be continued on.

Everyone is so interested in bloodlines and who is actually in control of the throne, Jon’s bloodline confirms at least two sides would be represented. And if he does choose to marry Daenerys, then Westeros is protected by her dragons as well as the direwolves.

This is all contingent on whether or not Jon can or chooses to have children. If he does though, he can bring together two houses and bring a peace to Westeros that had no existed before. The Starks and the Targaryens are two of the big families vying for the Iron Throne. If he takes it, then the Baratheons and the Lannisters are left but he brings peace to two of the houses wanting the Throne.

Technically the Baratheons and the Lannisters already had position in King’s Landing and it still has ended with a war for the throne. So maybe Jon Snow taking it will help ease the tension throughout Westeros.