30 Reasons Why Jon Snow Deserves The Iron Throne

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22. He Can’t Really Lie. He’s Terrible at it.

Jon has tried multiple times to lie throughout the series. The best part? How terrible he is at it. While it might not be great for him in his personal life, it makes him a good choice to be a leader because he can never really lie to his people.

Most politicians or people in power lie constantly. They tell the people whatever they want to hear to remain in their good graces. While lying is part of the job, most of us just want honesty in our leaders. With Jon, that’s all we’d get since he can’t lie to save his life.

Every time he attempted to lie in Game of Thrones, it was so obvious that he was lying that not a person believed him. If he got up in front of the people of Westeros and tried to lie, they’d known instantly whether or not he was telling the truth.

It’d be great for all of Westeros. He’d have to tell everyone about the White Walkers and what was going on in all areas of the world if they asked him. He wouldn’t be able to do anything else. It would be the best leadership because you’d always know what was going on.