30 Reasons Why Jon Snow Deserves The Iron Throne

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17. He’s Trying to Make Peace in Westeros

While Daenerys and the Lannisters are trying to gain the throne and not caring who they upset along the way, Jon is trying to pave the way with peace. He is working towards making peace throughout the land through everyone he can, according the White Walkers.

Again, it is so important that Jon is one of the only people who knows about the threat the White Walkers pose and knows how to rule the North. Everyone else has their strengths but Jon is the only one who knows how to rule a huge part of Westeros.

Trying to make peace among everyone is essential to whoever ends up with the Iron Throne. The problem is that everyone is fighting so much to get control that they might not ever find a peace after everything. At least, with Jon, he isn’t burning bridges as he works for power.

Unlike Robb, he isn’t turning on people. Robb’s demise was because he did what he wanted and burned bridges that he shouldn’t have. Jon is working towards making a peace among Westeros and it makes him the best leader they all have since he wouldn’t have a ton of enemies continuing to fight against him.