A Comprehensive Holiday Gift Guide For The TV Lover In Your Life

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Photo: Etsy/Circle City Design

‘Tis the season for gift giving and the holidays are upon us. Here is a comprehensive holiday gift guide for the TV lover in your life.

‘Tis also the season  to start stressing about the perfect gift for well, everyone. Whether they’re foaming at the mouth for that Gilmore Girls reboot, or nostalgic for Walter White’s particular brand of charm, there is something for everyone in this handy holiday gift guide.

Put one of these adorable gifts under the tree, and your loved ones will be forever grateful for the thoughtful, imaginative gift giver you are. Don’t worry too much about spending al that Christmas cash, either. Budget won’t be a problem, since TV is the most democratic of all mediums, everyone can afford something from the guide.

Thanks to the era of peak TV, it’s probably a good bet that almost everyone in your life enjoys TV, at least a little. So, when you’re stumped about what to put in those stockings, consult this rad holiday gift guide for the TV lover.