Wear Westeros: 10 Online Destinations for Game of Thrones Jewelry

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DaedraJewelry’s Silver House Arryn Swarovski Locket (Screencap via DaedraJewelry on Etsy)

In a world full of Game of Thrones Jewelry, a person can get lost shopping the four corners of the internet. We found all the best GoT-tagged swag for you.

Game of Thrones is pretty much the most popular thing on Earth, and artists are responding. I found ten different places to get the best stuff online.

A couple sources are high-end retailers, but most are independant artists who sell their creations on Etsy. The jewelry that follows is just a sample of what you kind find from all ten places.

I do want to note that Etsy artists produce a stunning number of Game of Thrones wedding-related pieces. I didn’t write about those accessories, because no one should have a Game of Thrones wedding. Even people who don’t watch the show know two-thirds of the guests would die in bloody agony. As they say, IT IS KNOWN. If you want to go in that direction, fine, but I am not going to enable mass murder.

Check out Game of Thrones jewelry that’s suitable for all budgets from the 1% to the hoi poloi.