25 fandoms directly inspired by politics

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30 ROCK — “Mazel Tov, Dummies!” Episode 707 — Pictured: Tina Fey as Liz Lemon — (Photo by: Ali Goldstein/NBC)

30 Rock

Over the election, quotes from 30 Rock have made a reappearance. Jack Donaghy has become the typical Republican we see in television comedies nowadays and his fight with the extremely liberal Liz Lemon were very accurate of those fighting in the election this year.

While Jack is nowhere near Donald Trump, he definitely helped 30 Rock predict this last election. It was so scarily accurate that there is literally a scene where they talk about building a wall to keep mexico out and Jack says that “We have a chance to make this country great again”.

Politics also play a huge part in the make up of the show. It is fundamental to the structure that Tina Fey and company created. Even in the episodes that are not directly related to politics, there is still some underlying theme.

With most of the comedies, there is always an element of politics in them. It is super easy and the pop culture jokes almost write themselves. So of course most of them have some kind of theme about political figures or something to do with an election. And 30 Rock is definitely one of those shows. It did predict what the 2016 election was going to be like after all.