Here Are 15 Reasons Why Leslie Knope Is Amazing

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8. She Stands by Her Guns

One thing about Leslie that is super difficult to change is her opinions. Normally, once her mind is made us, she works towards it and only sees herself as right. Lucky for everyone, Leslie’s views are usually for the benefit of those around her.

Imagine if she was someone like Trump. It’d be terrible. But instead, she is a social justice warrior to the highest degree. She wants to make everyone happy and works to make the world a better place and so once she has an opinion, she sticks to it and sees it out until the very end.

For example, look at the gay penguin marriage. Everyone was fighting her on it and Leslie refused to change her mind (rightfully so). So she had to drive them to a different zoo to make people happy in Pawnee but she still said she was right. Same with the sex education for the elderly and everything else that caused a huge fight in Pawnee.

She is the definition of the leader of the liberal nation and she does everything in her power to do what is right. We need someone like Leslie in real life and maybe we’ll get a president like her someday.