Here Are 15 Reasons Why Leslie Knope Is Amazing

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4. She Sees the Best in Everyone

The city of Pawnee has a lot of interesting characters. She could write them all off but she doesn’t. She sees the best in everyone and wants to give them all a chance. Unless your name is Greg Pikitis. Then she thinks you’re evil and doesn’t care about you.

But if you look at everyone from the first season and see where they ended up by the end of season seven, Leslie believed in them all and saw what was good about each of them and it is why they ended up changing as much as they all do.

Leslie Knope tries exceptionally hard for everyone to feel like their best selves and she works her hardest to make everyone see what is great about each other. Even those she hates she still has some little respect for. She is so passionate and loves so wholeheartedly that she wants everyone to see people the same way she does.

Leslie works hard for herself but also those around her. She wants them to believe in themselves like she believes in them and it is truly amazing. She can make anyone’s life turn around because of how she sees them and it makes everyone work harder to make Leslie proud.