Geeky Gift Guide: What To Get Every Geek on Your List!

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Exploding Kittens

For: The competitive geek

Price: $19.99

Board games are great presents to get for friends or family because since they usually require more than one person to play they are really a gift for everyone in your group. But once you are done playing (and fighting over) Settlers of Catan and Risk it’s time for something new. Exploding Kittens is that something new, a fun and easy game that usually involves a lot of shouting.

If you are unconvinced by the name alone, Exploding Kittens is the most backed Kickstarter project  in the website’s history which should be an indication of how much fun the game is. It’s easy to play and with both regular and NSFW versions it can be fun for the whole family (or not if you so choose). Plus the cards are hilarious with images from The Oatmeal of cats and goats and even random foodstuffs.

Exploding Kittens gets the geek seal of approval because it’s a popular game, but one you can’t buy in stores quite yet. It’s almost hipster in that way. It’s also a game that requires thinking and strategy and also backstabbing, all in the name of fun.

They’ll Love it If: they’ve already beaten everyone at every other board game; they secretly love puns; they like to be up on the latest popular board game trends

Buy It Here: Exploding Kittens website, Amazon