Image via Geek Girl Gang Shop
Full of Feels T-Shirt
For: The geek who just has a lot of feelings
Price: $25.00
Still not over the Red Wedding or the Battle of Hogwarts? We’ve all been there. What better way to celebrate being a geek with a lot of feels than this shirt? It makes a perfect gift for the friend who is always tweeting in all caps during a show’s season finale or the person who often “can’t even” because of something a fictional character has done.
That is the joy of media. It is fun being a geek because we care about things. Deeply. Enough so that we cry even when the people we are crying over never existed in the first place. It is such a powerful feeling to have that kind of deep connection to a work of fiction.
Having emotions doesn’t make you weak, it makes you human. This shirt celebrates the gift and the curse that being a pop culture loving person can sometimes be. And with its bright, fun color it is sure to attract attention and make you fellow geeky friends with feels.
They’ll Love It If: they’re still not over (insert fictional character here)’s death; they wrote their senior thesis on a TV show/book
Buy It Here: Geek Girl Gang Shop