The Best Thanksgiving Episodes In The (Recent) History Of Television

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Via Giphy

We love all things Gilmore, and this is the time of year to count our blessings and claim all the things we’re thankful for. For me, this means counting all seven seasons of the original series in my gratitude, and also being supremely grateful for the 2016 reboot, Gilmore Girls: A Year In The Life. 

In the spirit of thankfulness and gratitude, let’s also include this Thanksgiving- themed installment that is one for the TV hall of fame. This Gilmore Girls episode, “A Deep Fried Korean Thanksgiving” is particularly fast-paced as the ladies rush to visit four dinners in one day. Lorelai and Rory visit Suki and Jackson while they deep fry a turkey into submission and Suki binges on margaritas to numb her pain over the culinary travesty. Then they head to an austere Korean dinner with a stone-faced Ms. Kim. They also must endure the formal, Gilmore dinner in which Lorelai annoys her mother with her obscure jokes and complaining.

Highlights of the  episode include a drunk Sookie, Kirk getting mauled by a cat, and a super agro Dean threatening Jess. Since this episode was in the third season, Rory was deep into her Jess/Dean love triangle – something else I’m thankful for.