The Best Thanksgiving Episodes In The (Recent) History Of Television

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Via Giphy

Seinfeld is one of the most beloved American shows, and invented the idea of “observational humor.” The show ran for nine seasons and sometimes an episode would spend it’s entirety over minutia such as toothbrushes, unemployment insurance, and envelope glue. It could be said that every single sitcom that has come about since Seinfeld, is in some way referential to this show.

In “The Mom and Pop Store” has a convoluded set of intersecting plotlines that include the theft of Jerry’s sneakers, Dixieland music, a party full of dentists, and George’s new car.

It’s a fact that this episode was inspired by events that actually happened to one of the writers of the episode. He purchased a car purely based on the belief that it had previously been owned by Jon Voight, only to find out later that it was probably owned by Voight’s mother.

This episode of the sixth season has all the Thanksgiving necessities: Bryan Cranston, The Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade, and John Voight’s LeBaron.