The Best Thanksgiving Episodes In The (Recent) History Of Television

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Photo by: Justin Lubin/NBC

These are the Thanksgiving episodes that will distract you from all the family drama, huge piles of leftovers and the inevitable food coma.

Thanksgiving is my favorite time of the year, and it’s not just because I enjoy wearing stretchy pants and drinking for lunch. lt’s mostly because my family and I spend the time after that huge meal sitting on the couch, watching TV. Someone will suggest something, and we’ll queue up Netflix, and then we’ll all watch that suggestion. It’s the TV-version of “what are you thankful for this year.”

Because after we’ve eaten all that food, watched all that football, and the family has migrated to the den to recover from the day, we always need something to pass the time while you’re in that food coma.

While I’ve mostly picked episodes that I’ve loved over my TV-watching life, there really is something for everyone in this list. Whether you grew up watching Dan and Roseanne bicker their way through the holiday season, or you put Tim Riggins on your Christmas list, these shows will surely find a place in your heart.

These Thanksgiving episodes will be just the right compliment to house full of the ones you (mostly) love, and to that third piece of pie.