21 Shows To Watch While You’re Recovering From A Food Coma

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Leslie Knope (Amy Poehler) in Parks and Recreation, Screencap via NBC

14. Parks and Recreation

Want a little more upbeat comedy to alleviate your carbohydrate-induced lethargy? Leslie Knope and company might have the answer for you, friend.

Even if you’ve already seen Parks and Recreation, there’s still a lot to be gained from rewatching the show. It’s relentlessly positive and optimistic, which some of us may be craving at this moment in particular. Moreover, it’s upbeat about local politics, which is a rare object of humor on television or otherwise. It’s saved from sentimentality thanks to smart writing and great performances from its cast, neither of which are afraid to get just edgy enough to make things interesting.

Fan-favorite Amy Poehler stars as Leslie Knope, a local politician in Pawnee, Indiana. She’s relentless in her quest to both improve her hometown and move forward with her political career. Despite the ruthless nature of politics both local and national, however, she never betrays the friends she’s made or goes back on her moral integrity. At the beginning of the series, she’s the Deputy Director of the Parks and Recreation Department for the City of Pawnee. Despite such a seemingly low post, she makes the most of her position and her team to make a difference.

Poehler’s performance is accompanied by many other fine actors. This includes Nick Offerman, in his breakout role as the grumpy and taciturn Ron Swanson. Chris Pratt also made his name here, as the bumbling Andy Dwyer. Check out other performances by Retta, Aziz Ansari, and Aubrey Plaza. Guest stars include a diverse range of actors, such as Keegan-Michael Key, Lucy Lawless, and Megan Mullally as Ron’s ex-wife, Tammy.

If you’re in desperate need of some positive shows featuring politicians, Parks and Recreation is here for you.

Where to watch: Netflix