22 Family Movies Not To Watch With Your Family On Thanksgiving

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“A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving,” courtesy Charles M. Schulz.

This Thanksgiving, it could be tougher than usual to deal with family- don’t make it any harder by watching these family-oriented but not-so-family-friendly films.

Ahhh, Thanksgiving. The time for families to gather around, ensconced in cheer, food-sharing, boozy festivities, love, and their political opinions that you didn’t ask for and don’t need to hear ESPECIALLY RIGHT NOW. For most of us, it’s a time to celebrate and reconnect. For all of us, it’s a week we look forward to every year only to, 18 hours in, start frantically looking up train schedules and coming up with excuses about work and/or your best friend who suddenly needs you for undisclosable but very real reasons. In the old days, this family fatigue was solved by praying together that at least you don’t all have dysentery (everything I know of history comes from Oregon Trail, back off). But now, we have Netflix! We can sneak into our rooms, or at least the weird back room we’ve been shoved into on an air mattress, and indulge in some good old-fashioned ESCAPISM! The only trouble is, sometimes, you accidentally take Netflix’s recommendations and end up feeling the emotional equivalent of watching Jaws before going to the beach. So I’m here to be your guide, dear reader. Not TOWARD anything comforting, but far, far away from things that’ll leave you worse off than when your uncle told you racism wasn’t real as you asked for the mashed potatoes.