31 Things We Learned from the Game of Thrones Women

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Credit: Helen Sloan/HBO

12. Don’t lose sight of what you’re fighting for.

Cersei Lannister

Throughout the series, despite her personal goals, Cersei’s main focus has been her family. She would do anything to protect her children… until she wouldn’t. After losing Joffrey and Myrcella to forces she couldn’t control, Tommen’s blood is indisputably on her hands. Cersei had to know that the sept’s explosion and Margaery’s death would hit Tommen hard, but comforting him afterwards wasn’t her priority. Tommen’s suicide could have been avoided, if only Cersei hadn’t been so intent on avenging her humiliation via Septa Unella.

Cersei has always been, first and foremost, a mother. Her children gave her a purpose and happiness she couldn’t find elsewhere.  She did everything for her children, lived a life that was not her choosing for her children and wanted them to have everything Westeros had to offer them.

The moment she stopped letting her maternity drive her, was the moment she truly lost it all. The minute she let her children go from her conscious efforts, she lost the one thing that kept her fighting. What does she have left to fight for? What does her throne mean without her children? Is any of it even worth it without her children by her side? Guess we’ll find out in Season 7.