31 Things We Learned from the Game of Thrones Women

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Credit: Helen Sloan/HBO

16. Trust your instincts.

Catelyn Stark

While counseling Robb during the war, Catelyn was proven right about virtually everything. Robb and his merry band of straight white boys seldom took her words to heart, to their detriment. Catelyn was right about Theon being untrustworthy. What did he do when he had a chance? Sack Winterfell.

As for Walder Frey, she was right that he wouldn’t take kindly to having his daughter passed up for Talisa Maegyr. What happened as a result? Walder helped orchestrate the Red Wedding.

Quite frankly, she was right to free Jaime Lannister, too. Robb got a little too big for his britches when he decided to leave his sisters at Cersei’s mercy. Of course, Jaime still didn’t succeed in freeing either Sansa or Arya. However, he helped put Brienne of Tarth on the case, which counts for something, right?

Wow. Robb’s appointment as King in the North really didn’t do him any favors, did it?

(The answer is no. Jon Snow, watch out. Also, maybe listen to Sansa sometimes.)

Even Ned should have listened to his wife when she told him to stay in Winterfell during the first season. If he had, Game of Thrones would have been a much shorter show overall and would have focused far more on Daenerys, probably. Whether or not that would be a good thing is up to you.