Courtesy of Universal Pictures
8. His Singing Voice
When Les Miserables came out, there were plenty of complaints about the film. But there was one person no one complained about at all. That person was Eddie Redmayne. In fact most people ended up liking him a lot more after they saw the movie! It proved just how amazing he was and began the ‘reign of Redmayne’ if you will.
Since Les Miserables, Eddie has continued to show us time and time again that he is one of the better actors we have nowadays and this film showed us how amazing his singing voice was. Which was actually quite surprising for many of his fans.
When you used to think of Eddie Redmayne, singer was not the first word you’d think of. Talented and attractive, yes. Intelligent, of course. But singer was not even in the top ten. Now, people still go on about how amazing his “Empty Chairs at Empty Tables” is.
He brought heart to Marius and showed us how conflicted he was about everything going on around him. He was in love with Cosette but Eponine loved him and he didn’t want to hurt her. Eddie showed us all that conflict and gave an amazing performance in Marius’s solo number.