Here Are 20 Reasons Why We All Love Eddie Redmayne

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6. His Friendship With Andrew Garfield

Eddie and his friendship with Andrew Garfield is a story that many don’t know. Seven or so years ago when Eddie and Andrew were not important in Hollywood yet, Eddie, Andrew, and Jamie Dornan all decided to rent an apartment together. They would all go and meet at one place after auditions to split the cost of parking and compare stories about their auditions.

While this story isn’t rare (there are plenty of actors who had roomed together in the past), it is great to see the amount of success these three had and how much they still seem to talk to each other.

And it is not even about the fame, more that they just flocked together and helped each other grow as actors. It is great too because, much like Redmayne, Andrew Garfield has the same kind of image in Hollywood. The two are seen as the sweet British boys who are awkward and adorable.

So it isn’t really too surprising that the two are friends. They’re very similar and they are both continually rising stars in the world of Hollywood and we can’t wait to see what the two of them do next. Maybe we’ll get a movie with them both in it!