Here Are 20 Reasons Why We All Love Eddie Redmayne

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Courtesy of Working Title Films

17. He is Extremely Talented

If the Oscar didn’t convince you, honestly, what will? Especially since the Oscar was for his heartbreaking portrayal of Stephen Hawking in The Theory of Everything. A movie that will break your heart, it also shows just how talented Eddie really is.

He has grown so much in the last few years. Going from the random actor that some people knew to Marius and now to the lead of a new Harry Potter franchise, he is surely proving himself as an actor time and time again. And he only continues to get better with each new movie he gives us.

When he performed “Empty Chairs at Empty Tables”, there was something so real in his performance that many knew he was someone to watch out for. The song is heartbreaking in itself but that was something different. Just Eddie alone in a room sobbing over the memories of his dead friends.

It is an emotional moment but seeing how connected Eddie was to Marius showed us all that he wasn’t going to go away anytime soon. And he proved that yet again by getting an Oscar nomination for two consecutive years. Eddie is definitely one of the most talented actors we have today and we’re so glad he’s around!