The Feminist Gift Guide: For Every Feminist on Your List!

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Image via Etsy/ElevateAndFly

Here is our official Culturess Feminist Gift Guide!  A variety of awesome, empowering gifts for every feminist on your list.

It seems impossible, but the holidays really are on their way. And here at Culturess, we were a bit at a loss as to what to buy our feminist friends. First of all, they deserve everything and more, obviously, and we wish we could give it to them. But we are ladies on a budget over here, like most women. And we’ve seen other feminist gift guides, but some of them seem to assume that feminists are all one type of person. There’s an assumption of whiteness, which exists over pretty much everything. And some of these collections of items seem to believe that what one woman likes, all others will too.

Of course, we know that that’s not true. Feminists are a varied and beautiful bunch, made up of all different races, sexual orientations, and gender identities. We know that not all feminists have a feminine aesthetic, nor are all feminists inclined toward masculinity. We know that not all feminists are young, single women. Some are married and have kids. Some are one or the other. Some are elders and some are children.

So we wanted to create a gift guide that featured items that fit a few special criteria. First, that most of them were created by independent artists and writers or small female-driven businesses. Second, that the products reflected the variety and specificity of the feminists we love. And thirdly, that each of the gifts listed can be bought for $30 or under.

So here it is! Your definitive guide to buying for every feminist on your list. Feel free to peruse and purchase for your friends and loved ones. Or, alternatively, go ahead and hunt around for things you’d like to put on your wishlist. We promise we won’t judge you; this stuff is pretty awesome. Happy shopping!