50 Most Iconic Star Wars Costumes

Princess Leia (Carrie Fisher) loads the plans for the Death Star battle station with a plea for help to Obi-Wan Kenobi into R2-D2 on the Rebel Blockade Runner.
Princess Leia (Carrie Fisher) loads the plans for the Death Star battle station with a plea for help to Obi-Wan Kenobi into R2-D2 on the Rebel Blockade Runner.
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44. Luke’s Yellow Jacket

Look at Han Solo in this look. Han does not really need to change his basic look, even for an awards ceremony. He probably just threw on a clean shirt and vest and called it a day. (It is a different shirt, at the very least, because of the neckline. No chest hair visible here!) Maybe some clean pants if he could find them in the Millennium Falcon‘s hold.

Luke Skywalker, though, bless him, pulled out his fancy new jacket for the awards ceremony. That color falls somewhere between lemon and butter, though neither lemons nor butter are probably yellow in his galaxy.

Like Leia’s celebration gown, it looks smarter than what he wears throughout the rest of ANH.

You’ll also notice that Luke’s added black to his wardrobe, which will come in hand when he decides he wants to wear all black later. Black takes practice to wear, you know.

One wonders if Luke is still getting accustomed to climates other than the desert of Tatooine, since Leia has rather thin fabric on for the same ceremony. That might be why he put the jacket on.

Either way, he’s dressed up and ready to get his medal now, Princess!