50 Most Iconic Star Wars Costumes

Princess Leia (Carrie Fisher) loads the plans for the Death Star battle station with a plea for help to Obi-Wan Kenobi into R2-D2 on the Rebel Blockade Runner.
Princess Leia (Carrie Fisher) loads the plans for the Death Star battle station with a plea for help to Obi-Wan Kenobi into R2-D2 on the Rebel Blockade Runner. /
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48. Padmé’s Second Action Outfit

Sometimes we suspect Natalie Portman had it in her contract that she got to wear one outfit that had actual pants or leggings in every single episode for the prequel trilogy. This is the one she gets to wear for ROTS to speak to Anakin on Mustafar.

Yes, by the way, Dressing a Galaxy calls this the “Action Outfit,” although the book actually refers to it as the “Taupe Action Outfit” (194-95). It helps differentiate it from the other action outfit, which features in AOTC.

Notably, this action outfit has more details than previous iterations do. Though you can’t quite spot it here, the arm warmers have the Naboo royal symbol embroidered on them. She also has those belt details and another clasp-like piece at the bottom of her neckline. (It’s not actually a clasp, though.)

It is also the most form-fitting outfit Padmé wears in ROTS, where she’s trying to hide her pregnancy throughout most of the film. Anakin knows anyway, and she does try and appeal to him.

In other words, she has no reason to hide right now. However, the fact that she has pants on suggests that she knows something will go down. Unfortunately, that something happens to be her husband’s final steps to the Dark Side by choking her and breaking her heart.