50 Most Iconic Star Wars Costumes

Princess Leia (Carrie Fisher) loads the plans for the Death Star battle station with a plea for help to Obi-Wan Kenobi into R2-D2 on the Rebel Blockade Runner.
Princess Leia (Carrie Fisher) loads the plans for the Death Star battle station with a plea for help to Obi-Wan Kenobi into R2-D2 on the Rebel Blockade Runner.
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24. Lando Calrissian

Funnily enough, Dressing a Galaxy quotes Billy Dee Williams as saying that he’d never gotten to wear a cape or do anything like that before playing Lando Calrissian (141). Fortunately, Lando’s cloak, particularly the one in TESB, is pretty fancy.

One might even go so far as to say that Lando has space swag, and that’s kind of the point. In fact, Galaxy tells us that they purposefully made his clothing a little tighter than the rest of the Cloud City inhabitants, adding to the idea of this man as a smooth charmer.

Galaxy also reports that his cloak was lined with Chinese silk damask, which you can just spot in the above shot. Notably, his clothing has sky blue as a primary color, and then a yellow-orange accent with the damask, both very appropriate for the administrator of Cloud City.

What may be even funnier is that Lando keeps essentially the same silhouette when we see him again in ROTJ, where he’s become a Rebel general. He does change his color scheme, adopting a neutral tone for his top, but the light blue shows up again in his pants and his new, slightly less fancy cloak.

Presumably, working for the Rebellion does not earn you as much money as gas mining does.